Relationship and Marriage counsellor, Catherine Onwioduokit has urged all to take out time to know their partners before getting married to them.
Talking about marriage in relation to the Bible she defined marriage as, “a union between two consenting adults who are submitted to the authority of God and understand the covenant part of that marriage and are ready to take on that responsibility”.
She stated that, a lot of marriages today do not last because the couples lack a lot of essential principles like not taking out time to know themselves before getting married.
Talking to Paul Anomah Kordieh on e.TV Ghana’s Christian Connect she emphasized, “Because we are in a broken world, choosing the right person to marry is a challenge. You don’t just see somebody and say I want to marry you”.
Quoting a verse from the Bible specifically Amos 3:3 she said, “Can two walk together, except that they agree. So finding the right person requires taking time, to find out the character, values, morals, aspirations and all of the processes you need so that, you don’t act and at the end marry only to say this is not the person I married because the person has changed”.
She disclosed that, marriage is a covenant and in order to prevent divorce in marriages, it is important for couples to take their time to know whom exactly they are going to partner in covenant with so they do not wake up to say they made a mistake.
Catherine believes that, “Marriage is not cohabiting but rather, it is finding, marrying, blessing and settling down to consummate”.
She advised all couples to do this if they want their marriage to last forever as instituted by God.