Entertainment of Thursday, 1 February 2007

Source: GNA

"The Legacy of War" goes on display in Accra

Accra, Feb.1, GNA - A photo exhibition dubbed "The Legacy of War", which highlights the destructive nature of wars and the plight of refugees in their host countries, has gone on display at the residence of the late Afua Sutherland in Accra.

The excellent piece of work illustrates the dilemma and lack of enthusiasm on the part of Liberian refugees in Ghana who were being repatriated home to help with the reconstruction of the country. The exhibition also brings to the fore the deprivation and suffering of people affected by the war and the loss of entire possessions of victims.

Ms Senyuiedzorm Awusi Adadevoh, a photojournalist, the brain behind the exhibition, said her desire to give a helping hand to unfortunate Liberian refugees, who were being repatriated home, was what inspired her to put up the exhibition.

She also described her fond memories of the refugees when she interviewed some of them at the Tema Habour as they narrated their ordeals to her about the loss of their material possessions as result of the war.

Ms Adadevoh said after the exhibition, the photos would be auctioned and the proceeds donated to Self Help Initiative for Sustainable Development (SHIFSD), a Non-governmental Organisation (NGC) based at the Gomoa Buduburam refugee camp, to train women at the camp in employable skills.

Ms Angela Lavela, Protocol Officer of the Liberia Embassy in Ghana, commended Ms Adadevoh for her desire to raise funds through the exhibition by to assist Liberian refugees to find their feet back home. She said the enormity of disruption of the daily activities as a result of the war of a once proud and peaceful nation could not be quantified.

Ms Lavela said people in every nation should be made to belong, benefit from every aspect of the nation and they in turn would give their best to their motherland.

She said the marginalisation of a people, discrimination and lack of basic infrastructure development like schools and utilities could lead to crisis and then wars.

"But I say to every people, war should not be the final resort. Dialogue can give the best results."

An amount of 41.5 million cedis was realized from the auctioning of 10 pieces of photo portraits.

Mr Kojo Yankah, President of African Institute of Journalism and Communication Studies, bought the first photo for seven million cedis. 01 Feb. 07