Music of Friday, 12 February 2010

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The Okyeame Quophi & Ohemaa Mercy Affair

Cockiness with a little pinch of ridicule could be explosive. But when it is done in front of an audience it could very well attract comments that can bring a man on his knees wishing for a remake of his physical structure.

Ever heard of the saying he who is down needs fear no fall. Well Okyeame Quofi, ding ding …… ring a bell? In case it doesn’t, he was a household name back in the early 90’s now turned presenter on a music show on TV Africa called Sounds Splash . He worked with Okyeame Quame. Both looked good together during performances. Quame was always the skinny one and Quofi, the “fat” one.

Ohemaa Mercy (I guess you know her) is a popular gospel artist. She has recently released a new album titled “Wo beye kesie”. One of the notable things about this Gospel music icon is the fact that she likes to make fashion statements everywhere she goes or performs. Off the window goes the days when Gospel Artist were suppose to be in over-all.

The Big question is what is the relationship between these two people? One is popular and the other not so popular but they both earn a living through music mainly. No! it’s not what you’re thinking, they are not dating. But there was a little incident between the two that you deserve to know if you’ve not already figured it out.

Early this year Ohemaa mercy was on Soundz Splash to perform. Dressed out in what could pass for an evening gown meant to portray style and elegance with an African touch, she treated her audience to good music.

Immediately after the performance, the presenter, Okyeame Quofi wanted to have a little chit-chat with adorable Mercy and as always he asked her what she was wearing. It appears that Ohemaa mercy had a little secret to hide or didn’t like the tone of Okyeame. Anyone who watched the show could figure out that the latter was more likely. Why? because it sounded as though he was ridiculing her dress.

Hold on a minute she was not explosive and only said she couldn’t tell. He insisted on knowing and she pretended not to have heard him and waved to the audience WO BEYE KESIE OOO. They responded with lots of love but love was not going to let go of Okyeame after that.

Ohemaa turned as though she was leaving the stage, then turned to Okyeame and said “Afi yi Nyame beye wo kesie na emom reduce kakra” meaning God is going to lift you up this year but go lose a little weight. He just ignored her but sources say Okyeame Quofi’s self esteem is down by a little over 30%.