Rumor Mill of Tuesday, 16 May 2006

Source: Daily Guide

Top Broadcaster Rapes KNUST Student

'He Didn?t Use A Condom. No! He Did Not'
A 21-year old level 200 female student of the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), a.k.a TECH, has accused a radio broadcast journalist with a popular radio station in Accra of having unprotected sexual intercourse with her, without her consent.

The incident she claims happened on Saturday April 8, 2006 at a popular hotel in Kumasi. The case has been referred to the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) of the Ghana Police Service for further investigations. However, at the time of going to press, Daily Guide learnt the matter had been referred to the Domestic Violence and Victims Support Unit (DVVSU) of the Police Service, formerly known as WAJU.

The reported news of the alleged rape was broken on Peace FM, an Accra-based private radio station, with a wide national coverage yesterday. The radio station claimed Daily Guide had details of the story, but the paper was ?sitting on it threatening to go to town.

The Peace FM report which declined to name both the suspect and the victim sent shockwaves through the media landscape. Daily Guide learnt that the ?sexmaniac? who had it ?raw? without using a condom ala Jacob Zuma of South Africa, had threatened to take legal action against any publishing house which carried the story.

But this, the paper learnt was amidst frantic efforts made by the suspect to get the victim to save him from imminent trouble even as his bosses also spoke to her boyfriend to withdraw the report from the police and the media. As at the press time yesterday, the alleged victim, whom we would describe as Sherry, for now, was writing her second statement to the Police.

Other sources also indicated that the radio broadcaster had conceded to friends that even though he had an affair with the lady it was consensual. He hinted friends that he was indeed shocked at the student?s present attempt to make it look like she had been forced. The following are excerpts of the rape victim?s testimony.?So when I went back to Kumasi, I met him on the same day.

He even picked me up from the Transport Yard to school. From then we used to converse and all that, until he returned to Accra.

?He came back to Kumasi. That was I think, 7th April, because the thing happened on the night of April 8, 2006. ?It was a Saturday. That night he called me about three times. The first time he called was around 7pm but I told him that I was working on an assignment.

Normally when he called, he would start by asking what I was doing. He even asked what I was doing and I told him that I was working on my assignment. Then he called the second time. The first time, he asked me to come over, the second time too the same thing. The third time was around 9pm. Then I went there. It was in the evening. I left the campus to Georgia Hotel, Room 23. When I got there, he was in his underwear. He came to open the door for me. When I got in there, I saw that he was stripped to his underwear.

I do not know. I wasn?t expecting anything like that to happen. So I entered the room. I sat down and he went to lie on the bed. ?He offered me some drink. ?I took the drink and we were chatting. All of a sudden, he asked why I didn?t like getting close to him. Is it that he smells or something or he is not a man enough for me?those sort of things. It was like, no, that?s not it. He knows I am already going out?and stuff like that.?He told me he wanted to get into a relationship with me. I told him that I was not interested. ?Then he started misbehaving. He was touching me. He wanted to take off my?I was in jeans trousers. ?But then he managed to take it off. ?But before that I don?t know how he managed to get hold of a condom. I saw him holding a condom and I asked him what he was going to use that for. ?He asked me why I was pretending.

So I took the condom from him and threw it away, thinking that was going to stop him from doing whatever he wanted to do.?Left to me, I wasn?t interested. But he did not give up. He just went on and on and? ?He pushed me onto the bed. ?Right then he held my two hands?very tight. ?He took off my belt. I was still in my trousers. ?He took off the belt first. Still holding my hands and then he managed to pull? ?When he was trying to pull my jeans down, I cross my legs, but then he pulled it halfway and he took it off finally. ?I couldn?t do anything. He took off my panties too.

Then he spread my legs open, with his knees. ?During the process, I was?actually, I was crying. ?I begged him to stop but there was no way. ?He did not mind me. ?It got to a time, he was even telling me to relax for him and that I am being too stiff. ?He actually said that I am being too stiff. ?I should relax for him and that he was having sex with me to establish the beginning of our relationship. ?Well, after that he asked me to go and take a shower with him, which was annoying. The guy was? ?I wasn?t myself. He didn?t use a condom. No! he did not. After that he went to take a shower.