Popular Ghanaian actress, Tracey Boakye, in the run-up to her birthday has asked fans for help in choosing a new number plate for her car on her Instagram page.
For over a month actress Tracy Boakye has been counting down to her birthday and celebrating her life with fans on her Instagram page.
First she celebrated the completion of her new home, a home she asked her fans to suggest which colors she would use to paint it.
Now she's asked her fans to help her choose a new number plate for a new ride which, according to her post, is either a new Toyota Tacoma.
Either way, she's definitely got something to be happy about this January.
"What What name do I give to my new toy? #asantewaa-1-18? #tracey-1-18? #hischick-1-18? #shakira-1-18? Good morning family #hisOnlyChick"