Entertainment of Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Source: Reindolf Ofosu

Triumphant Entry 2015 praise and worship comes off April 12

The fifth edition of Triumphant Entry praises and worship event comes off on April 12, 2015 at the National Theatre at 4pm.

The programme, organised by Elizabeth Heman Foundation, suggests "The Triumphant Entry of Christ", is an all Christian Praise and Worship event.

The concept is simple, come with an open heart to worship and praise the Lord God almighty for four hours straight at the National theatre. It is instructive to invite someone when attending because attendance is free.

Even though most notable musicians are associated and are part of Triumphant Entry, there are no performances from them but rather they and other ministers become worship leaders.

God bless you for being a part of Triumphant Entry.