Entertainment of Saturday, 13 May 2023

Source: classfmonline.com

Vicky Zugah passionately argues against LGBTQ+ lifestyle, marriage

Ghanaian actress, Vicky Zugah Ghanaian actress, Vicky Zugah

Vicky Zugah has taken issues with some public opinions on the thorny matter of homosexuality and the legalisation of same-sex marriage in Ghana.

In a social media video sighted by Class News’ Prince Benjamin, the actress argued against some public notions such as: “We don’t have any business [with] what people decide to do with their sexuality; we don’t care what people do behind closed doors; we all sin differently anyway.”

Some offences are heavier

Concerning ‘sinning differently’, she cited how a thief and a murderer receive different sentences before the law, with the latter receiving a harsher punishment on account of murder being a graver crime.

“The thief gets [a] six-month or one-year imprisonment,” she said, “Whereas the murderer gets life imprisonment or death by hanging.

“This is because some sins are heavier than others,” she stressed.

Vicky Zugah opined that there is a difference between a man and a woman having anal sex “behind closed doors and a man and another man having sex.”

Indicating she is a Bible-believing Christian, she said the holy book speaks of the first human couple being a man and a woman, indicating that God did not create "Adam and Adam".

“The Bible says when God saw that Adam needed a helper, he created Eve as his companion,” she contended. “He didn’t create another Adam and he did not create two Eves as companions.”

Here, she said, those who, perhaps, do not believe in the bible, should consider “the health implications – the health complications” that "later" attend the homosexual lifestyle.

She said these health implications have dire social consequences.

Corporate health consequences

"The African society – the human race is, in fact, like a chain," she observed, arguing that humans are connected via relationships. "Siblings, friends, cousins, aunts... So, if you say: 'It's not my concern and if someone sins, they'll bear the consequences alone, [it's not so]. It will eventually affect you, somehow".

"You'll pay with your time or money at a point. So, let's all be careful," she passionately cautioned, appearing to be seated in the backseat of a car in a selfie video.

Same-sex marriage

The Act of Shame star said for same-sex marriage, she believes that "without the intervention of God, we cannot completely eradicate or uproot it from the world and say, by universal law, that no one should marry the same sex. That'd be difficult, especially without divine help."

Even if Ghana enacts a law against it, she said, making a fist with her right hand, "it will [still] be legal in other countries. So, if someone feels that's irrevocably how they are, they can decide to relocate there. That'd be an option."

However, "by all means," she urged, "let's try to keep it under control."

Need for control

Vicky noted that "everyone sins but that is why we have crime officers so that we can keep the wrongdoing under control."

Ironically, "the crime officer also commits offences," she conceded, adding that, despite that, society makes an earnest effort to "keep the crimes under control so that they don't end up overwhelming us."

Thereafter, she appealed to fellow celebrities "whose voices travel far and wide, to talk about these things because if your mother married a woman, she wouldn't have birthed you."

Born Victoria Zugah, she mentioned at the beginning of the TikTok tape that she knows her thoughts would be “misconstrued” and “a lot of you will interpret it wrongly”.