Music of Wednesday, 20 June 2007


Where Are My Friends? Ramzy Asks With So Much Bitterness

?This is the first time three strong visitors have come to visit me aside my family members?. This is what Prince William Amui aka Ramzy said to the Peace Fm crew including this reporter when this team paid him a surprise visit at his present place of existence at the Nsawam Medium Prisons last Saturday.

The popular ?Stars of The Future? first runner up for last season is not too happy with his friends, his management, his colleague musicians, and the media for ignoring him in such a time he needed them most.

He couldn?t believe those who call themselves his friends have suddenly became his enemies in his time of trouble.

The singer who was involved in an armed rubbery case last February with seven others were arrested for allegedly robbing a number or four wheel drive cars in the Tema vicinity. After several court hearings Amui is yet to know where his faith lies.

Speaking with much bitterness and disappointments he disclosed that his colleague musicians who were very close to him before his arrest like Lord Kenya, Lazy Dazy, Pee Vee of Wutah fame and even his manager Okyeame Kofi of Hot FM have all abandoned him and have refused to find out from his family members how he is doing.

Aside all these, Ramzy managed to share some of his experiences in Nsawam, ?The type of food we eat here can never be compared to what I eat when I lived in my house. There is either very low or no nutrients in the food they serve us here.

The water we use here too is very unhygienic and salty. By 5pm the prison gate is locked and nobody is expected to move until the next morning. Things are really very bad here but I believe anything that happens has a reason and my case is no exception?.

When this reporter asked Ramzy how he is able to cope with all these unhygienic and unfavorable conditions he said he is a very strong man and will surely survive this to the last day when justice is pronounced.

Another thing that baffles the singer is why such a thing should happen to him at the very time he has had his breakthrough.

This is in respect of his qualification to participate in just ended MNET West African Idol which was shattered by his arrest. Having been in remand at Nsawam for all this while, awaiting judgment, Ramzy attributes his long stay in prison to the delay of the judicial process.

?My case is always adjourned for one reason or the other anytime I go to court. The only hope now is God and I know he will never forsake me. Interestingly, Ramzy?s stardom is still acknowledged by the prison inmates.

According to reports, the first day he performed at the in-house church within the prison yard, the whole church hall was filled to capacity with some in-mates standing and even the prison officers enjoyed his act.

He still maintained he is innocence to the crime he has been accused of. ?All I need now is being out of this God forsaken place. I urge my fans to keep praying for me?. Ramzy concluded.

Physically Ramzy remains very fit and there is no cause for alarm at all about his health.