Entertainment of Monday, 1 July 2019

Source: www.ghanaweb.com

Why Ghanaians give names such as Kweku Baako, Kwaku Manu, others - Comedian Alo Wess reveals

Comedian, Alo Wess play videoComedian, Alo Wess

It was a rib-cracking moment when Ghanaian comedian, Alo Wess mounted the stage to thrill patrons at this year’s Music Magic and Comedy (MMC) night on Saturday, June 29, 2019.

The event, which was held at the Accra International Conference Center and was organized by Global Media Alliance witnessed hundreds of patrons laughing at the jokes cracked by the comedian to take away their week-long stress.

During his course of delivery, he revealed why some Ghanaians have got ‘funny’ names.

According to him, the situation Ghanaian parents find themselves in determines the name to be christened on the child.

He added that the number of rounds the parents had during their sexual intercourse also determines the name to be bestowed on the child.

Making a comparison to the Western world, he noted that they've got nice names like Kevin Hart, Ricky Shore whilst in Ghana, we have Kweku Baako, Agya Adu, Akuapem Poloo among other interesting names.

He said “ I love the western culture, how they name their children is interesting. They see the place they had their ‘jigijigi’ and name it after that child. Like Forest Briticca, they had him in the forest. Kevin Hart, in the heart. Ricky Shore, at the sea shore.”

He further said “But our own parents determine the number of rounds they went and name it after us. One round, Kwaku Baako, two rounds, Kwaku Manu, three rounds, Agya Mensah, Four rounds, Kofi Annan, ten rounds, Agya Adu but 15 to 20 to 30 rounds is Akuapem Poloo”.

Watch the video below: