Entertainment of Sunday, 25 June 2023

Source: www.mynigeria.com

Wild reactions trail Banky W's alleged marriage scandal

Banky W and wife Adesua Etomi Banky W and wife Adesua Etomi

It has been alleged that singer cum politician, Bankole Wellington popularly known as Banky W has been involved in a marriage scandal.

According to a post shared by gossip blog, Gistlover, Banky W reportedly impregnated another lady while still married to Adesua Etomi.

Although the blog did not directly mention his name in the post, many Nigerians attributed the post to the singer following the description that was used to describe the culprit.

Gistlover in the post said "uncle politician don give side chic wey dey US another belle after multiple abortions."

Netizens upon hearing the about the scandal, took to social media to share their thoughts.

ugojesse: If she is not BANKing on the truth, tell ADE to SUe her

homeoftastymeals: I feel pity for Adesua I swear, she should have just married someone that’s not out here on social media , Mayb a big man that’s not social media influenced at least the heartbreak go dey coded… after what she went through now this! Men sha, they will never do otherwise no be everybody go be like me, as u Dey cheat I Dey do my own, home go scatter everybody go dey alright follow me for more tips, marriage na scam

iam_degold: Think about his ambition, I know something is not right with him, Naso his political career go end be that, 2nd attempts, he never still win the election. Imagine people choose LP Unknowingly over him because you are cheating your wife, you can’t just cheat some women, cheating cause problems and damage to his life

packagedjteejuiz: Banky news has trended more than warri pikin and Obi Cubana renewal of their vows.... Na bad news people wants to hear... Nobody will talk about those two men as good men... Na Banky go be content for ""men will stain your whites "".contents... I wonder if these people don't have parents they could take as role models, so celebrities lifestyles won't be the yardstick to validates everything

hiffyz: If Banky can cheat on a beautiful lady Like Adesua, it's a prove that as a woman, your beauty alone cannot stop a man from cheating, marriage cannot stop a man from cheating. What stops a man from cheating is self control and sense of commitment

brownskyn_1: People nerd to stop expecting too much from celebrities. They are human as every other person. They make mistakes of the flesh as every other person. Saying they disappointed you isn't their fault. Infact, these people are usually scape goat or example to life. That is why their life is outside. To learn from them not to feel any form of disappoinment. Because someone is fine or handsome does not make them perfect. It doesn't make them any less a sinner, it doesn't mean they don't cry and go through every other persons life struggle. At this stage, if anyone believes theres any fairy tale love story then you must be delusional. You're not telling yourself the truth. There's no perfect love story. Men are polygamous in nature. We refused to accept it and blame them for acting in their true nature. Hence why culture accepts men marrying more than one wife. Stop shaming men for what they have. O control over. Billionaires have wives all over the world and no one dares to drag them cosoneu

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