The Wives and Mistresses of Politicians, especially of Presidential Candidates who are un-circumcised have a Moral and Ethical duty in terms of saving Human Lives to come forward and tell the Nation the truth, since such "Un-circumcised Politicians pose a threat to the Nation's Health Security in view of the finding by the esteemed World Health Organization (W.H.O) that Male Circumcision reduces the spread of the H.I.V which causes Aids", announced a release by the Uhuru Party's Leader and Presidential Campaign Website of "Kwame (MAYOR) for President of Ghana 2008 - WWW.KwameforPresident.Com.
"Osagyefo" Kwame Appiah Boateng, populary known by Ghanaians around the World as "Kwame Mayor" and by his Great Koss High School Mates as ("J.P.K. - the Political Advisor"), said Ghanaweb's publication of his earlier story captioned "All Male Presidential Candidates must be circumcised" did a great public service to the Nation since many Ghanaians who did not know about the major findings of World Health Organization regarding the correlation between Male circumcision and Prevention of Aids have finally become aware.
"This is not Political Entertainment !!!" said the Politician whose numerous strategic ideas have undoubtedly dictated and shaped significant policies in Ghana ever since His Excellency, President John Agyekum Kuffuor came to power - and sounding like Kofi Wayo, "Chuck", another American trained Politician, the former Ghanaian-American Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate who American bureaucrats believe is "more educated than 70 % of America's population", blasted (some) of the Nation's so-called "Educated Elite" for their "Short-comings in analytical thinking" - telling them that "The illiterate Ghanaians are at least, far better off in terms of their thinking capacity imbued with African Traditional Wisdom" whereas (some) "Intellectuals have lost the proverbial African wisdom and in terms of White Man's education, "they cannot think logically and rationally".
"When you are making a serious statement, the [few] non-intellectuals label it as Political Entertainment. And when you ask the Nation to send a man or woman to the moon in order to catch up with the World's Technological advancement, the [few] Political Detractors, some of them could be paid informants, who have always suffered from "Inferiority Complex Syndrome, and think that the White Man is better than them" would even insult you for daring to empower the Black Man and the Black Woman", lamented "Osagyefo" Kwame Mayor, calling his detractors and "Paid Propagandists" - "A few and insignificant Individuals who are academically not advanced enough to comprehend the "People's Politician".
The Politician asked the so-called "Educated Elite" to return their Diplomas to their Alma Maters as an "Act of Honor" for failing to protect the Nation's illiterates from the deceit and calculated machinations of Politicians and Political leaders like President Kuffuor and former President Rawlings whose affluence in public office have made them detached from the pain and suffering of the poor, the hungary and the suffering Ghanaian, especially, the struggling Middle Class; Taxi Drivers, Tro-Tro Mates, Fishermen, Kayayos, Farmers, Students, the Un-employed, to mention but a few.
"Osagyefo" Kwame Appiah, ("J.P.K"), Leader of Uhuru Party (UP), the first Continental African Political Party which has embarked on registration drive and is recruiting for National and Regional Executives, as well as "Founding Fathers" as it prepares to officially register with the Electoral Commissions in Ghana and other African Countries, said that the recent remarks made by NPP's Presidential Candidate, Nana Akuffo Addo that "Ghana needs a Visionary and not a Professional or Technocrat to lead the Nation" has vindicated him - reminding the Nation that since President Kuffuor's government has systematically stolen several of his strategic ideas and President Kuffuor has (never) once given him credit, he ("Osagyefo" Kwame Appiah) is the ideal person to lead Ghana and Africa in general as a true Statesman on the path of Scientific Revolution and Technological Advancement, while waging a determined war against poverty, hunger and human suffering in Africa, especially Ghana.
Turning to his plea to the Wives and Mistresses of Politicians to come forward to expose those who are not circumcised, the Politician warned : "Folks, Aids is a real killer !!!" - again, asking the Nation's Youth to avoid reckless sex and to refrain from unprotected sex until marriage - and if that fails, to [always] use protection at all times !!!.
The Politician, whose book entitled "The Wansam" is expected to be released early next year along with his other up-coming books "America's Mandela" and The "Mayor" who changed the World !!! - long before the "Terminator", Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger ran for public office" - once again acknowledged that he himself was circumcised at the age of 12 which is considered late and that had it not been his Childhood act of bravery which led him to call a "Wansam" to circumcise him - against the Royal Traditional Practice of Asantes who once frowned upon the circumcision of Royals and heirs to Chieftaincy Stools, he would have been left un-circumcised.
"Osagyefo" Kwame Appiah Boateng reiterated that in his youth, his elders groomed him to someday, occupy the Kumasi or Asante Adonteng Puduo Royal Stool of Bamang, near the Kente weaving Town of Bonwire in the Ashanti Region of Ghana and that since he came from a Royal Family, he was not expected to have been circumcised --- Tradition has changed though and now Asante Royals may circumcise.
Answering to some of his critics who call him "Bill Clinton of Ghana !!!", the "Intellectual Political Playboy" refused to answer to reporters' question as to the reasons behind his separation from his former Ethiopian, Liberian, Jewish, Swiss, Mexican, Nigerian, Bolivian, Eritrean, American girl friends or College Sweethearts.
" President John Kennedy is alleged to have dated the legendary Marylyn Monroe and President Bill Clinton allegedly dated Monica Lewinsky. It's none of anybody's business so far as one is a great politician and can bring Monumental changes to the Country", the former Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate who has a Trade Mark of dating God-Fearing, Intelligent and Gorgeous Ladies, and who strongly believes that the intelligence of women are equally as important as their beauty and character" repeated, as he announced the success of his Presidential Campaign's Website : WWW.KwameforPresident.Com.
On Female Circumcision, the "People's Politician" condemned it as not only barbaric but a serious violation of Women's Natural Right to enjoy their Human or Biological Feelings.
The Politician called for grants for his Non-Profit projects to among other things : Educate and Free Women from forced Circumcision and on the other hand, educate Un-Circumcised Men about the importance of Male Circumcision in the prevention of the spread of H.I.V. that causes Aids.
[IN ANOTHER DEVELOPMENT], the first Ghanaian-American to run for Mayor of Los Angeles - since America's Independence from Great Britain in 1776 and the first indigenous African to run for a higher public office in the history of America has publicly announced that one of his Non-Profit Organizations, "Council on Africans and Americans Relations" would file a protest on behalf of African People and descedants of Africa, especially African Americans and Caribbeans over a Lawmaker's comment at the recent United States' House Foreign Afairs Committee hearing describing Yahoo's Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Jerry Yang and Yahoo's Executive Vice President, Michael Callahan as "Morally Pigmies !!!".
"While technologically and financially you are giants, morally you are pigmies !!!", a Lawmaker was quoted in the Los Angeles Times story dated November 07, 2007.
The former Ghanaian-American Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate who is aspiring to become the first Ghanaian-American President of Ghana - Elections 2008 called the remark "Insensitive to the Pigmies in Africa who are mostly found in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Gabon to mention but a few".
The Pro-American Democracy activist said he strongly believes that it was not the intention of the Lawmaker who allegedly made the remark to dehumanize Pigmies. Nevertheless, such an insensitive remark referring to and denigerating Pigmies demands a public apology not only to Pigmies, but the entire Continent of Africa and black people around the World.
" I feel sorry for the Lawmaker who made such an insensitive remark in view of the fact that, although it was not his intention to dehumanize Pigmies, his un-guarded statement has indeed dehumanized not only the Pigmies but African people in general, and black people around the World, since Pigmies are in Africa", said the moderate Politician who considers the legendaries Mahatma Gandhi, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, Malcolm X, Nelson Mandela and President John F. Kennedy as his heroes, and is regarded by his political followers as the "Re-incarnation" of Ghana's first President, Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah.
"Osagyefo" Kwame Mayor called for a Peaceful solution in the face of the insulting remarks against our African Pigmie Brothers and Sisters, and has questioned why African Embassies in the United States of America have been silent over the remark.
The Marverick Politician and 2008 Ghana's Presidential Aspirant appealed to the various African Ambassadors in the U.S., and "Our White Brothers and Sisters"; "Our Jewish, Moslem, Asian, Latino, Hispanic Brothers and Sisters" and every Civil Rights organization to assist his "Council on Africans and Americans Relations" in its campaign to improve relations between Africans and Americans and to reduce negative images of Africa which cultivate intolerance against African people.
On his Presidential Campaign Website : WWW.KwameforPresident.Com, the Charismatic Politician who claims to be the Greatest Politician of all time, just as the Legendary Muhammad Ali is undisputably the Greatest Boxer of all time noted : "Sadly, the Tarzan image of Africa still lingers !!!".
>>> Signed for Release : "Osagyefo" 2008 Presidential Aspirant and Leader of Uhuru Party (UP)
Tel (562) 423-6797
Email: Info@KwameforPresident.Com
Kwame For President 2008
Overseas Office : 65 Pine Avenue, Suite 166, Long Beach, CA 90802
*Website : WWW.KwameforPresident.Com