Entertainment of Thursday, 17 December 2015

Source: Prince Ofori

World Bank VP Arunma Oteh commends Peace Hyde

Peace Hyde Peace Hyde

TV personality, Peace Hyde, the founder of Aim Higher Africa and West African Correspondent for Forbes has recently been named one of the 50 most influential young Ghanaians.

She was named alongside industry giants, Becca, John Dumelo and Shirley Frimpong Manso in the Arts and Entertainment category of the competition.

Peace Hyde was named as a phenomenal African Woman by the body that aims to inspire, celebrate and empower the African woman for her recent achievements. Her nomination was met with acknowledgement and best wishes from World Bank Vice President and Treasurer, Arunma Oteh.

In a tweet to Peace Hyde, The VP expressed her support for the education not for profit organization, Aim Higher Africa and for Peace Hyde.

She tweeted “Thanks Peace Hyde for your kind words and grateful to God for the opportunities he has given me and proud too of your successes.”

Check out what Peace had to say on her Instagram.