Entertainment of Wednesday, 27 November 2019

Source: 3news.com

Yvonne Okoro laments about ‘dwindling’ Ghanaian movie industry

Ghanaian actress, Yvonne Okoro Ghanaian actress, Yvonne Okoro

Actress Yvonne Okoro has expressed unhappiness about the dwindling state of the movie industry in Ghana.

According to the award-winning actress, movie productions keep dipping due to lack of investors, infrastructure and unity in the industry.

“We are from an industry that was churning out movies regularly until now that we do three or five productions a year, and this is done by the actors themselves,” Yvonne Okoro said in an interview with 3news.

She noted that the industry is being sustained by actors turned producers all in the bid to salvage the little that is left off the industry.

“We don’t believe in our movie industry, we don’t believe in the brand and the power that we have, if we did, we will know that we can change a lot of things.”

The Ghanaian movie industry showed prospects back in the day with production houses like Harry Laud Productions, Nyamekye Films and Venus Films some of whom introduced the likes of Nadia Buari, Yvonne Okoro and Yvonne Nelson.

Many movie lovers were always on the look-out for new productions but the situation seems to have changed.

Only few Ghanaians still put together productions, the reason for the decline.

Beside the lack of investors, Yvonne Okoro believes the disunity among the acting fraternity is also a worrying factor.

“We need to be a proactive industry, we can only do that if all of us come together and push it, and that is where the problem is, we are not together.”