Entertainment of Wednesday, 1 November 2006

Source: GNA

APP lines up activities for Ghana's 50th Anniversary

Accra, Nov. 1 GNA - The African People's Platform (APP), a Progressive voluntary group made up of organizations and individuals from North America, Europe and Africa on Wednesday launched a programme of activities for the celebration of the 50th anniversary of Ghana.

The group, which shares a common vision of a United States of Africa built on a sound democracy said the celebration would serve as a major international event to rekindle the spirit of Pan Africanism and to regalvanise progressive forces into battle with under development, exploitation and oppression.

Madam Elimisha Alhassan, General Secretary of the APP briefing the media in Accra said the group came from a broad anti-imperialist movement with a strong conviction and realization that Ghana's independence on March 6, 1957 still had ramifications that go beyond the national boundaries of Ghana and Africa. The theme for the celebration is: "Not Yet Uhuru; 50 years of Ghana's Independence, A continuing struggle for African liberation and unity".

The APP has also designed a fitting logo for the anniversary showing the map of Africa with the head of Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah in it.

Other events line-up for the year-long programme includes an International Human Rights Day, African History Month; Focus on the abolition and reparations movement and Kwame Nkrumah Memorial Month. Madam Alhassan said Ghana's independence was an important event in the anti-imperialist struggle throughout the world as it opened new avenues for national liberation movements everywhere on the globe.

"It is significant that on the day of independence, Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah kept faith with the principles of internationalism and declared boldly that: The independence of Ghana is meaningless unless it is linked to the total liberation of Africa", she added.

Madam Alhassan also stressed that Ghana's independence in fact did inspire more colonized people in Africa to intensify their struggles for national liberation and that many colonies around the world were ready and capable of taking their destiny into their own hands and make giant strides in their developmental efforts.