Entertainment of Thursday, 24 August 2023

Source: www.ghanaweb.com

Today in History: Man threatens to slap Reggie Rockstone's wife and daughter after running into their car

Zilla Limann and daughter in shock after car knocks them from behind Zilla Limann and daughter in shock after car knocks them from behind

A video of a man threatening to assault Reggie Rockstone's wife and daughter after running into their car sparked conversation on social media on August 24, 2022.

Below is the full story.

Reggie Rockstone’s wife, Zilla Limann, and daughter had the shock of their lives when a car knocked their vehicle from behind.

In a video shared by Reggie Rockstone on his Instagram page, Zilla was captured talking to her husband on the phone, complaining about what their daughter had done.

She was allowed by him to take a taser to school.

The mother of three, who had earlier scolded her daughter for tasing someone in school, while still on the phone with Reggie, was caught shocked after a big bang could be heard during one of their daily vlogs.

The extreme shake of the car spilt her tea, and that of her daughter’s on their clothes.

For a moment, her daughter was unable to process what had just happened while her mother got out of the car to check out what had transpired.

She was blamed by the stranger who had caused the accident for wrongful parking.

The man, who is yet to be identified during the exchange, was heard threatening to assault Zilla and her daughter.

An alarmed Zilla ordered her daughter to bring her recording device that had recorded the accident earlier to better capture the man and how the events were unravelling.

Shortly after the back and forth between the man and Zilla, Reggie showed up in his gym suit and made some calls to the driver's boss.

The self-acclaimed ‘Originator of Hip-life music’ then followed the young man to his office, and they dealt with the issue.