Why put somebody who is in distress which is her private life into the public like this. Kweku Manu you are wrong on this regard you need to apologize. Can't he talk without reference to Moesha.
Why put somebody who is in distress which is her private life into the public like this. Kweku Manu you are wrong on this regard you need to apologize. Can't he talk without reference to Moesha.
Saints 1 year ago
What's the lies or derogatory about what he's saying? Is he lying? She held the social media hostage with her butt and many girls are now doing it cuz od her the truth be told.
What's the lies or derogatory about what he's saying? Is he lying? She held the social media hostage with her butt and many girls are now doing it cuz od her the truth be told.
WASIK 1 year ago
If you guys got nothing good to say about this lady except her butt, why don't you just shut the F*** UP?
If you guys got nothing good to say about this lady except her butt, why don't you just shut the F*** UP?
Alia 1 year ago
Stop the hypocrisy, don’t you think the younger generation need to be educated.No one wishes someone else bad, but lessons must be learnt to deter others from such behaviors. Do you know how many youth have been lead astray ... read full comment
Stop the hypocrisy, don’t you think the younger generation need to be educated.No one wishes someone else bad, but lessons must be learnt to deter others from such behaviors. Do you know how many youth have been lead astray because of these deviants.
Wasik 1 year ago
If you're a parent, you have to be a role model to your kids not the outside world.
If you're a parent, you have to be a role model to your kids not the outside world.
KK 1 year ago
Do you have any idea how many children and the youth who have been lead astray by this filthy nudist? Do you have any idea how active our children are on social media and the stuff they do without our knowledge. By the way wh ... read full comment
Do you have any idea how many children and the youth who have been lead astray by this filthy nudist? Do you have any idea how active our children are on social media and the stuff they do without our knowledge. By the way who told you that our kids are raised by parents alone? Don't defend this filth.
Saints 1 year ago
Don't mind that person I don't think this individual understands how the world operates and how hard parents are trying to steer the ship of life.
Don't mind that person I don't think this individual understands how the world operates and how hard parents are trying to steer the ship of life.
Akoto 1 year ago
If you're a youth and you follow celebrities. That's on you tbh. No one is forcing you to follow such uncouth people
If you're a youth and you follow celebrities. That's on you tbh. No one is forcing you to follow such uncouth people
KK 1 year ago
Stop talking nonsense Kweku Manu...Do you know what causes stroke? Don't sit there and talk anyhow.
Stop talking nonsense Kweku Manu...Do you know what causes stroke? Don't sit there and talk anyhow.
Worried citizen 1 year ago
For me personally it's a big NO for this ladies with big buttocks! It's just ugly not hygienic, sweat between the private part,and no toilet sit large enough to carry this size.its just nonsense and ugly. I don't know what so ... read full comment
For me personally it's a big NO for this ladies with big buttocks! It's just ugly not hygienic, sweat between the private part,and no toilet sit large enough to carry this size.its just nonsense and ugly. I don't know what some man find attractive to see all that fat in the pant shaking up and down.if you like airbags buy a new car
Antrowhie 1 year ago
MAD people, think of inventions and profitable Investments not enhancrments.
MAD people, think of inventions and profitable Investments not enhancrments.
Plies 1 year ago
I want a phat ass
I want a phat ass
lamp 1 year ago
You got over $60,000 do go and do butt enhancement but your parents didn't advise you save towards future since you were not government payroll. I pitty the parents, especially her father because HE was happy with what her da ... read full comment
You got over $60,000 do go and do butt enhancement but your parents didn't advise you save towards future since you were not government payroll. I pitty the parents, especially her father because HE was happy with what her daughter was doing because he was benefiting from it. Poor Dagaaati lady in Accra living like a bastard in Circle. I will rather go children's home and buy them water, calipo, and food. After we celebrate.
Joy 1 year ago
Is moesha butt artificial or natural?
Is moesha butt artificial or natural?
Kwame Nkrumah 1 year ago
Money will not save making . Its goodness and rightness.
Money will not save making . Its goodness and rightness.
Why put somebody who is in distress which is her private life into the public like this. Kweku Manu you are wrong on this regard you need to apologize. Can't he talk without reference to Moesha.
What's the lies or derogatory about what he's saying? Is he lying? She held the social media hostage with her butt and many girls are now doing it cuz od her the truth be told.
If you guys got nothing good to say about this lady except her butt, why don't you just shut the F*** UP?
Stop the hypocrisy, don’t you think the younger generation need to be educated.No one wishes someone else bad, but lessons must be learnt to deter others from such behaviors. Do you know how many youth have been lead astray ...
read full comment
If you're a parent, you have to be a role model to your kids not the outside world.
Do you have any idea how many children and the youth who have been lead astray by this filthy nudist? Do you have any idea how active our children are on social media and the stuff they do without our knowledge. By the way wh ...
read full comment
Don't mind that person I don't think this individual understands how the world operates and how hard parents are trying to steer the ship of life.
If you're a youth and you follow celebrities. That's on you tbh. No one is forcing you to follow such uncouth people
Stop talking nonsense Kweku Manu...Do you know what causes stroke? Don't sit there and talk anyhow.
For me personally it's a big NO for this ladies with big buttocks! It's just ugly not hygienic, sweat between the private part,and no toilet sit large enough to carry this size.its just nonsense and ugly. I don't know what so ...
read full comment
MAD people, think of inventions and profitable Investments not enhancrments.
I want a phat ass
You got over $60,000 do go and do butt enhancement but your parents didn't advise you save towards future since you were not government payroll. I pitty the parents, especially her father because HE was happy with what her da ...
read full comment
Is moesha butt artificial or natural?
Money will not save making . Its goodness and rightness.