Black people need to stop giving a Damn about the bias and racism in white organizations. One thing anybody with a lick of sense knows is that, at least in the U.S. and so-called Western World, it is not talent that wins but ... read full comment
Black people need to stop giving a Damn about the bias and racism in white organizations. One thing anybody with a lick of sense knows is that, at least in the U.S. and so-called Western World, it is not talent that wins but being white or rather pink is what it takes. I'll give credit where credit is due, and that is Miley Cyrus and Billie Illich both can sing and I was happy when they won their Grammys. I have listened to Taylor Swift over and over just to see what the hype is about. I am deeply sorry, but I just don't hear a substantial voice or good lyrics at all. I am convinced that the Good Old Boys and Girls give Swift these awards simply trying to spite the superior talented Beyonce because Kanye West (whom I have zero respect for pointed this out years ago). There is simply no comparison and the two sing totally different genres of music. Also, Beyonce is multi-talented and is a professional dancer, and possesses one of the most beautifully shaped female bodies ever created. So I don't think Jay-Z should have mentioned the bias in the Grammys. There are many important awards created for Blacks in the U.S., including the NAACP, BET, Soul Train, and the list goes on. So I don't understand why Blacks even show up at such insignificant things as the Grammys, Oscars, Golden Globe, Emmys, etc. Taylor Swift is riding on the white media lies. Have a happy ride girl until you fall off!!! I dare you to ignore the talented Celine Dion, who I'm praying will soon completely recover and give the world another beautiful voice to hear. Taking it to the streets///
3dem 1 year ago
Oh he should go way you... black people and sense of entitlement is like 5&6. He himself kora is over rated with nursery rhymes rap....mycheeewww
Oh he should go way you... black people and sense of entitlement is like 5&6. He himself kora is over rated with nursery rhymes rap....mycheeewww
Black people need to stop giving a Damn about the bias and racism in white organizations. One thing anybody with a lick of sense knows is that, at least in the U.S. and so-called Western World, it is not talent that wins but ...
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Oh he should go way you... black people and sense of entitlement is like 5&6. He himself kora is over rated with nursery rhymes rap....mycheeewww