Buy your catfish fingerlings from us to start your business. And also get after service support to help you succeed .0557430128****
Buy your catfish fingerlings from us to start your business. And also get after service support to help you succeed .0557430128****
Blabbing 7 months ago
And this is an apology??? I haven’t said anything, I was rather misquoted by bloggers. I have forgiven her. IF I said something wrong then she should forgive me. This lady needs to teach this guy a life lesson. NARCISSISTIC ... read full comment
And this is an apology??? I haven’t said anything, I was rather misquoted by bloggers. I have forgiven her. IF I said something wrong then she should forgive me. This lady needs to teach this guy a life lesson. NARCISSISTIC APOLOGY
IM 7 months ago
You have also forgiven her? For what exactly? Is this guy really ready to swallow his hollow pride and render a genuine and humble apology?
You have also forgiven her? For what exactly? Is this guy really ready to swallow his hollow pride and render a genuine and humble apology?
Kwasi 7 months ago
You have also forgiven her, you say???? How did she offend you ???? This guy paaa
You have also forgiven her, you say???? How did she offend you ???? This guy paaa
Anonymous 7 months ago
No forgiveness___the average African seems to be infected with unbridled arrogance tinged with foolhardiness___i choose to end do not to spew venom.
No forgiveness___the average African seems to be infected with unbridled arrogance tinged with foolhardiness___i choose to end do not to spew venom.
Hagoa, Kumasi. 7 months ago
This is not a matter of being soft and give it to God. This is about your reputation. I respect you a lot.Let the case come to its legal end. He should be responsible for his stupid behaviour and actions.
This is not a matter of being soft and give it to God. This is about your reputation. I respect you a lot.Let the case come to its legal end. He should be responsible for his stupid behaviour and actions.
Envious Ghanaian! 7 months ago
Is is that people don’t understand Twi or just being diabolic, he said, he has forgiven everyone if anyone has wrong him and same to Martha , and at the end of his statement, he rendered sincere apologies to Martha. The hat ... read full comment
Is is that people don’t understand Twi or just being diabolic, he said, he has forgiven everyone if anyone has wrong him and same to Martha , and at the end of his statement, he rendered sincere apologies to Martha. The hate against that guy won’t give u guys food ooo. All the hate because of his popularity!! Why!!! People of Ghana!!!
Bastie Asantefournyinaahene 7 months ago
Now you're begging. Ofui
Now you're begging. Ofui
This is no apology 7 months ago
If, if, if...
It should be unconditional, such as he fucked up, he was too arrogant, he insulted her with lies, and he is sorry.
He is still too arrogant, Martha should plow on with the legal suit.
If, if, if...
It should be unconditional, such as he fucked up, he was too arrogant, he insulted her with lies, and he is sorry.
He is still too arrogant, Martha should plow on with the legal suit.
Akwasi 7 months ago
This dude after getting bus and money from President during his movie premiere suddenly started misbehaving. Are you not going to contest in your constituency again? Some of your NDC supporters who backed you here are now hid ... read full comment
This dude after getting bus and money from President during his movie premiere suddenly started misbehaving. Are you not going to contest in your constituency again? Some of your NDC supporters who backed you here are now hiding.
Flash 7 months ago
Sia you insulted her. We all saw the video
Sia you insulted her. We all saw the video
Boye/California 7 months ago
Martha Ankomah just jealous of Linwin and she must up she can goes ahead and suit me too Nainama Ahwsawo Martha nobody is going to give you 5 million Cedis Kwaisiato Martha
Martha Ankomah just jealous of Linwin and she must up she can goes ahead and suit me too Nainama Ahwsawo Martha nobody is going to give you 5 million Cedis Kwaisiato Martha
Love 7 months ago
ofui.....u can't even compose simple sentences in English, yet you have the guts to insult her.
ofui.....u can't even compose simple sentences in English, yet you have the guts to insult her.
Nirah 7 months ago
Please learn how to construct simple sentences.You can't come and be giving us headache with your grammatical error in this economy wai.Your english is not englishing and your twi too basaa like our economy.What sort of probl ... read full comment
Please learn how to construct simple sentences.You can't come and be giving us headache with your grammatical error in this economy wai.Your english is not englishing and your twi too basaa like our economy.What sort of problem is this.Education is not a scam,fix yourself before you insult someone with grammatical errors.
Jack01 7 months ago
Which bloggers? hahaha this lil Win is a fool.. He has forgotten he recorded himself?? don't blame bloggers but rather your own foolishness..
Which bloggers? hahaha this lil Win is a fool.. He has forgotten he recorded himself?? don't blame bloggers but rather your own foolishness..
Buy your catfish fingerlings from us to start your business. And also get after service support to help you succeed .0557430128****
And this is an apology??? I haven’t said anything, I was rather misquoted by bloggers. I have forgiven her. IF I said something wrong then she should forgive me. This lady needs to teach this guy a life lesson. NARCISSISTIC ...
read full comment
You have also forgiven her? For what exactly? Is this guy really ready to swallow his hollow pride and render a genuine and humble apology?
You have also forgiven her, you say???? How did she offend you ???? This guy paaa
No forgiveness___the average African seems to be infected with unbridled arrogance tinged with foolhardiness___i choose to end do not to spew venom.
This is not a matter of being soft and give it to God. This is about your reputation. I respect you a lot.Let the case come to its legal end. He should be responsible for his stupid behaviour and actions.
Is is that people don’t understand Twi or just being diabolic, he said, he has forgiven everyone if anyone has wrong him and same to Martha , and at the end of his statement, he rendered sincere apologies to Martha. The hat ...
read full comment
Now you're begging. Ofui
If, if, if...
It should be unconditional, such as he fucked up, he was too arrogant, he insulted her with lies, and he is sorry.
He is still too arrogant, Martha should plow on with the legal suit.
This dude after getting bus and money from President during his movie premiere suddenly started misbehaving. Are you not going to contest in your constituency again? Some of your NDC supporters who backed you here are now hid ...
read full comment
Sia you insulted her. We all saw the video
Martha Ankomah just jealous of Linwin and she must up she can goes ahead and suit me too Nainama Ahwsawo Martha nobody is going to give you 5 million Cedis Kwaisiato Martha
ofui.....u can't even compose simple sentences in English, yet you have the guts to insult her.
Please learn how to construct simple sentences.You can't come and be giving us headache with your grammatical error in this economy wai.Your english is not englishing and your twi too basaa like our economy.What sort of probl ...
read full comment
Which bloggers? hahaha this lil Win is a fool.. He has forgotten he recorded himself?? don't blame bloggers but rather your own foolishness..