Quran is toilet paper. If you poison islamic
children you will go straight to heaven. Burn all mosques.
Quran is toilet paper. If you poison islamic
children you will go straight to heaven. Burn all mosques.
Thompson 1 month ago
Start it yourself now, and see if you will go to heaven
Start it yourself now, and see if you will go to heaven
Show love to that friend, neighbour, relative who needs this...No cash-capital for a sales business this year? CASH OUT with this skill made easy to learn. SOWING & REAPING is an everlasting principle, so SOW into knowledge/s ... read full comment
Show love to that friend, neighbour, relative who needs this...No cash-capital for a sales business this year? CASH OUT with this skill made easy to learn. SOWING & REAPING is an everlasting principle, so SOW into knowledge/skill, & REAP money in exchange. It is training that would give you an edge towards earning & mastery . Set up this smartphones skilled-service business & earn daily cash. If YOU ALSO WANT TO BREAK INTO IT-CAREERS, Get any of Chukky Oparandu's Guidebooks for yourself or a loved one. Remember, you EARN from what you LEARN, that's 90% into financial freedom! Master this valuable skill to earn good money daily after just three weeks of training. Join thousands who've transformed their lives this way! Invest in yourself today: Search "Chukky Oparandu" on Amazon Or VISIT (selar.co/m/chukky). FRENCH EDITION "Gagnez de l'Argent en Réparant des Téléphones & Tablettes" is also available. Get his blockbuster book, "IT Career: A Roadmap" NewYearIsHere! #SkillsForSuccess...Get for yourself, or as a gift for that young boy idling around..A country just added this skill into their schools curriculum(i'm on the project) - that's how you know it's an important skill. Skill-up, acquire this knowledge from the expert, make money & stay on top...job039
Bortey 1 month ago
Any man that begs a woman to marry him especially if the woman sees herself as higher than the man will definitely suffer same. The woman knows you will always beg even if you are right. At every least misunderstanding she wi ... read full comment
Any man that begs a woman to marry him especially if the woman sees herself as higher than the man will definitely suffer same. The woman knows you will always beg even if you are right. At every least misunderstanding she will treating to leave.
Miss Mae 1 month ago
Wasted years and time,why do Ghanaians hold onto loveless marriages
Wasted years and time,why do Ghanaians hold onto loveless marriages
Tommy 1 month ago
Charlotte is evil
Charlotte is evil
Akyem men are hot 1 month ago
Akyem men oyiwa
Akyem men oyiwa
KD 1 month ago
Madam, dont you think you are putting too much information in the public space?
Madam, dont you think you are putting too much information in the public space?
The Spear 1 month ago
So the man is difficult, therefore the reason to sex-starve him?
You're very irresponsible and uncultivated. Who in Ghana eats fufu stored in a fridge for 3 days? I never heard that before. I love fufu, maybe I'd have to v ... read full comment
So the man is difficult, therefore the reason to sex-starve him?
You're very irresponsible and uncultivated. Who in Ghana eats fufu stored in a fridge for 3 days? I never heard that before. I love fufu, maybe I'd have to verify if that's possible.
You have to prepare ahead 1 month ago
Sis you have to prepare something before you leave for program.
Sis you have to prepare something before you leave for program.
For a marriage to survive ,grow and thrive ,both husband and wife need to understand this fundamental truth: MARRIAGE IS NEVER EVER A 50% EQUAL SHARING OR CONTRIBUTION. What do I mean? A man may be convinced that he has done ... read full comment
For a marriage to survive ,grow and thrive ,both husband and wife need to understand this fundamental truth: MARRIAGE IS NEVER EVER A 50% EQUAL SHARING OR CONTRIBUTION. What do I mean? A man may be convinced that he has done his "share" of loving , has been responsible , has been a great provider yet in the eyes of his wife be seen to have only contributed 20 or 30% to the well-being of the marriage especially when children are present.
One of the important characteristics of growing, maturing and successful marriages is that BOTH partners quickly learn the importance of being a "giver" rather than being mostly a "taker". I only use percentages to illustrate this truth. A husband that gives 70% plus of the time is very likely to be appreciated by the wife even if she only sees his generous70% contributions to the marriage as a mere 55% .The exact same thing applies to the wife. When both husband and wife meet each other's emotional needs they provide a safe and stable environment to raise their children and for the marriage to thrive and prosper.
A "GIVER" is a person who INVESTS in the marriage by making the wellbeing of their spouse a priority: A "GIVER" will be considerate to their spouse, treat them with respect both at home and in public, have an attitude characterized by gentleness ,kindness and sensitivity. They will make their spouse feel safe by making them the sole focus of their affections and attention (they will not have wondering eyes for others). They will make their spouse feel special all the time not by mere words but more importantly through their actions and deeds.
In contrast "TAKERS" are self-centred (selfish - it is always about what they want), they feel entitled to this or that thing, "TAKERS" are always sure of their own rightness, they always assume that they have done their best or done their part, they never listen to or consider the other person's point of view, they tend to be disrespectful ,bad tempered, boastful, full of their own importance, are argumentative, untruthful, emotionally abusive and are often shockingly emotionally immature. "TAKERS" never admit that they are wrong, never apologise for any hurts or harm they cause others and ironically they themselves are oversensitive to any perceived slight or insult.
THIS TAKES US ONCE AGAIN TO THE IMPORTANCE OF CHOOSING A LIFE PARTNER WELL DURING THE COURTSHIP PERIOD. Sadly many young folk pay little heed to CHARACTER and VALUES. Rather they are attracted by a person's popularity, "sex appeal", good looks, how they dress, a person's perceived wealth and social connections and whether they have a much coveted foreign passport.
Sadly very few young men and women give priority to the vital character traits but greatly increase success in life and marriage: Priceless character traits like HONESTY OR INTEGRITY, BEING HARD-WORKING,BEING CONSIDERATE OR FAITHFUL, BEING HARD-WORKING,BEING TENACIOUS OR COURAGEOUS, BEING TRUTHFUL,BEING EVEN TEMPERED , BEING HUMBLE (All Godly characteristics), are often considered "BORING" yet these are what make a marriage or a life a great success).
3tw3 ba 1 month ago
ama 1 month ago
so true!
so true!
The Spear 1 month ago
Ama, in life, things never work like you see in movies! You may make your decent, perfect calculations but life has its own reservations, especially when you both have charged responsibilities making matrimonial commitments e ... read full comment
Ama, in life, things never work like you see in movies! You may make your decent, perfect calculations but life has its own reservations, especially when you both have charged responsibilities making matrimonial commitments exceptionally difficult to meet!
She's right that a successful marriage depends on the woman, but being as stiff as she is, how does she expect that things would work when even the very first year you start depriving the man of sex? That man should have stopped after 3 months of deprivation.
Logan 1 month ago
May we not just talk because we think we are knowledgeable enough, rather have a better understanding of concepts and customs of reality; this is a pastor; I've always stated that, it is not very easy for a topnotch woman (wo ... read full comment
May we not just talk because we think we are knowledgeable enough, rather have a better understanding of concepts and customs of reality; this is a pastor; I've always stated that, it is not very easy for a topnotch woman (working class woman) to be happy in her marital home, especially marrying a pastor; you have a lot of work to do at home - can you combine that with working duties...? Nobody is asking you to be a housewife, but find something that wouldn't conflict with your duties towards your husband. I remember when a certain church started ordaining women into church ministry; the husbands of those women wrote a letter to the clergy head asking who should be doing the cooking and taking care of the children while they (the men) are also working... Ordination abandoned.
A pastor has a lot of work to do. Have noticed the marriages of most musician ladies who married pastors... You will definitely fail in your duties as a wife, and he won't forgive you; those pastors who ignore it (most) end up having extramarital affairs.
Two bulls cannot drink from the same bucket.
Dunia 1 month ago
You have been divorced, go your away and find that man you think God tailor made for you. Don't disturb our ears, we all have our marital issues.
You have been divorced, go your away and find that man you think God tailor made for you. Don't disturb our ears, we all have our marital issues.
I don't know how Ghanaian women are still allowing these self-styled prophets, and apostles of Baal fool them into marriage.They are not called by God. Infact they do not have anything to do with God. They are very dangerous ... read full comment
I don't know how Ghanaian women are still allowing these self-styled prophets, and apostles of Baal fool them into marriage.They are not called by God. Infact they do not have anything to do with God. They are very dangerous working with the powers of darkness. Run away from them. These fake men of Baal are not humans. Flee from them.They will deceive you , rob you, kill your talent, take all that you have from you, and then render you useless. Run away from them. They are not ministers of the gospel.
Gaskia 1 month ago
So if one us married to an engineer or a doctor the man will be perfect and the marriage will never fail, no matter how troublesome the woman is?
So if one us married to an engineer or a doctor the man will be perfect and the marriage will never fail, no matter how troublesome the woman is?
Gaskia 1 month ago
So if one is....
So if one is....
Prince 1 month ago
A very evil woman
A very evil woman
Kwaku Ampofo Okasu 1 month ago
What has being Akyem man got to do with the break-down of your marriage.
What has being Akyem man got to do with the break-down of your marriage.
Jojo 1 month ago
Madam please shut the up, you are a disgrace to womanhood. You had your agenda and it's best known to you. Now you are putting on makeup stupid woman misleading the younger women
Madam please shut the up, you are a disgrace to womanhood. You had your agenda and it's best known to you. Now you are putting on makeup stupid woman misleading the younger women
Ken 1 month ago
An attack on Akyem men,,,, foolish woman, fake counselor
An attack on Akyem men,,,, foolish woman, fake counselor
Hannan 1 month ago
)) Single women are waiting for you at == www.Sexy24.mom
)) Single women are waiting for you at == www.Sexy24.mom
Kofi Ghana 1 month ago
You are very right woman of God. Especially when you lack the understanding, knowledge and importance of a woman in marriage and ministry. Most men of God only love the spotlight Glory but they don’t know the pain, disrespe ... read full comment
You are very right woman of God. Especially when you lack the understanding, knowledge and importance of a woman in marriage and ministry. Most men of God only love the spotlight Glory but they don’t know the pain, disrespect and many knowingly and unknowingly abuses they coursed their wife. Listen, I am just an understudied Pastor and when my wife was complaining about our time together, prioritizing her with dignity and respect, I was all over the place enjoying all the praises from other women, who even call me at night to pray with them. But one day my wife said to me, if I can’t set a boundary, she is quitting our Church and marriage. I run to my senior Pastor and he said, that is disrespectful, a foolish typical Ghanaian man with authoritarian mindset. I stupidly listened to my Senior Pastor and my wife truly stopped coming to Church. My Pastor on Sunday shall preached and indirectly insulted my wife and I would feel good but when I closed from Church and get home, I know I am not happy. Until I seek for another Pastor who also live in the state views, then he told me, my Pastor was wrong, that I should go back and resolve every issue with my wife, that if I disregarded my wife and she cried inside, even God shall not hear my prayers. I listened and I began to work with the advice the other Pastor who is not my senior pastor gave. Suddenly my senior Pastor became so angry, as typical like some Ghanaian men and Some Ghanaian Pastors, cursed me, threatened me etc just because I wanted to listen to my wife for change. I understand this woman perfectly well.
The Truth 1 month ago
well said and on point. We Ghanaian men and and some some Ghanaian Pastor dont know how to treat our women
well said and on point. We Ghanaian men and and some some Ghanaian Pastor dont know how to treat our women
Miss Mae 1 month ago
No wonder he made you look like you were a mad woman,move on life is to short
No wonder he made you look like you were a mad woman,move on life is to short
KofSam 1 month ago
Counselor charlotte Oduro should never have been a marriage counselor looking at how she treated her husband. She is fake . She advises couples on how to live together by overcoming the obstacles in marriage while she does th ... read full comment
Counselor charlotte Oduro should never have been a marriage counselor looking at how she treated her husband. She is fake . She advises couples on how to live together by overcoming the obstacles in marriage while she does the opposite to her husband . Listening to the husband’s narrative, this woman should stop being a marriage counselor.
Chai!!! 1 month ago
You are that "any other woman." You have run, abi?
You are that "any other woman." You have run, abi?
Chai!!! 1 month ago
Don't drag us into your nonsense.
We don't need that.
Don't drag us into your nonsense.
We don't need that.
Taker 1 month ago
You have done same all women are the same. When it's juicy you don't talk much . You just bolted and you are saying any other woman will run. Women think like kids that's why God created a lot of them. Mqn must rise. The w ... read full comment
You have done same all women are the same. When it's juicy you don't talk much . You just bolted and you are saying any other woman will run. Women think like kids that's why God created a lot of them. Mqn must rise. The woman you meet outside will you're not my class . Meanwhile she is even poorer than you the man. They have nothing to offer . You enter the toto once pɛ you die be that. You Will even buy pad. All sort of blackmailing. Live Your Life men .
awo 1 month ago
Kwame Peter 1 month ago
Brotherhood,please join me to thank the Almighty for sparing the life of our brother because Counsellor Charlotte could have easily killed Apostle Oduro.
Brotherhood,please join me to thank the Almighty for sparing the life of our brother because Counsellor Charlotte could have easily killed Apostle Oduro.
T 1 month ago
You have made it publicly known that you are incorrigible and a difficult human being for anybody to withstand and that even your parents attest to that. He managed to stay with despicable you for 16 years. Look at yourself f ... read full comment
You have made it publicly known that you are incorrigible and a difficult human being for anybody to withstand and that even your parents attest to that. He managed to stay with despicable you for 16 years. Look at yourself first. If he really wants to, he will find somebody. You have both grown so can handle yourselves better. You are not perfect, just like him. let us think....mtchew
Quran is toilet paper. If you poison islamic
children you will go straight to heaven. Burn all mosques.
Start it yourself now, and see if you will go to heaven
Show love to that friend, neighbour, relative who needs this...No cash-capital for a sales business this year? CASH OUT with this skill made easy to learn. SOWING & REAPING is an everlasting principle, so SOW into knowledge/s ...
read full comment
Any man that begs a woman to marry him especially if the woman sees herself as higher than the man will definitely suffer same. The woman knows you will always beg even if you are right. At every least misunderstanding she wi ...
read full comment
Wasted years and time,why do Ghanaians hold onto loveless marriages
Charlotte is evil
Akyem men oyiwa
Madam, dont you think you are putting too much information in the public space?
So the man is difficult, therefore the reason to sex-starve him?
You're very irresponsible and uncultivated. Who in Ghana eats fufu stored in a fridge for 3 days? I never heard that before. I love fufu, maybe I'd have to v ...
read full comment
Sis you have to prepare something before you leave for program.
For a marriage to survive ,grow and thrive ,both husband and wife need to understand this fundamental truth: MARRIAGE IS NEVER EVER A 50% EQUAL SHARING OR CONTRIBUTION. What do I mean? A man may be convinced that he has done ...
read full comment
so true!
Ama, in life, things never work like you see in movies! You may make your decent, perfect calculations but life has its own reservations, especially when you both have charged responsibilities making matrimonial commitments e ...
read full comment
May we not just talk because we think we are knowledgeable enough, rather have a better understanding of concepts and customs of reality; this is a pastor; I've always stated that, it is not very easy for a topnotch woman (wo ...
read full comment
You have been divorced, go your away and find that man you think God tailor made for you. Don't disturb our ears, we all have our marital issues.
I don't know how Ghanaian women are still allowing these self-styled prophets, and apostles of Baal fool them into marriage.They are not called by God. Infact they do not have anything to do with God. They are very dangerous ...
read full comment
So if one us married to an engineer or a doctor the man will be perfect and the marriage will never fail, no matter how troublesome the woman is?
So if one is....
A very evil woman
What has being Akyem man got to do with the break-down of your marriage.
Madam please shut the up, you are a disgrace to womanhood. You had your agenda and it's best known to you. Now you are putting on makeup stupid woman misleading the younger women
An attack on Akyem men,,,, foolish woman, fake counselor
)) Single women are waiting for you at == www.Sexy24.mom
You are very right woman of God. Especially when you lack the understanding, knowledge and importance of a woman in marriage and ministry. Most men of God only love the spotlight Glory but they don’t know the pain, disrespe ...
read full comment
well said and on point. We Ghanaian men and and some some Ghanaian Pastor dont know how to treat our women
No wonder he made you look like you were a mad woman,move on life is to short
Counselor charlotte Oduro should never have been a marriage counselor looking at how she treated her husband. She is fake . She advises couples on how to live together by overcoming the obstacles in marriage while she does th ...
read full comment
You are that "any other woman." You have run, abi?
Don't drag us into your nonsense.
We don't need that.
You have done same all women are the same. When it's juicy you don't talk much . You just bolted and you are saying any other woman will run. Women think like kids that's why God created a lot of them. Mqn must rise. The w ...
read full comment
Brotherhood,please join me to thank the Almighty for sparing the life of our brother because Counsellor Charlotte could have easily killed Apostle Oduro.
You have made it publicly known that you are incorrigible and a difficult human being for anybody to withstand and that even your parents attest to that. He managed to stay with despicable you for 16 years. Look at yourself f ...
read full comment