Why? Did you come onto this world to marry all the women of the world? Is that the mission given to you or what? It's now ridiculous
Why? Did you come onto this world to marry all the women of the world? Is that the mission given to you or what? It's now ridiculous
Work, don't steal.. Job hunting is not easy, neither is being unemployed, but you have the power now to change your situation with knowledge and skills. Earn in dollars from global companies by learning the skills and tools ... read full comment
Work, don't steal.. Job hunting is not easy, neither is being unemployed, but you have the power now to change your situation with knowledge and skills. Earn in dollars from global companies by learning the skills and tools for remote workers. It is for anyone interested; Housewife, students, professionals etc...LEARN how to combine your skills with the various tech-tools. Use this guide & get remote jobs that pay in dollars, selling your skills online!.LEARN how to Organize & automate workflows as a Remote worker. LEARN Step-by-step! Grab your copy of the ULTIMATE VIRTUAL ASSISTANT GUIDE NOW from selar.com/989z72 or amazon.com/dp/B0DXCZJPV6 ...ok
kulbogo 1 month ago
Total nonsense. why de many wife's n hw many tyms can u all dis women as a man. a waist of their Tym n greediness is ur yard stick
Total nonsense. why de many wife's n hw many tyms can u all dis women as a man. a waist of their Tym n greediness is ur yard stick
Hannan 1 month ago
))))) Single women are waiting for you at ~~>>>> www.Sexy24.mom
))))) Single women are waiting for you at ~~>>>> www.Sexy24.mom
Mark 1 month ago
You have 6 wives, how can a rumor that you intend to have a 7th wife be said to be intentional to damage your reputation?
You have 6 wives, how can a rumor that you intend to have a 7th wife be said to be intentional to damage your reputation?
Why? Did you come onto this world to marry all the women of the world? Is that the mission given to you or what? It's now ridiculous
Work, don't steal.. Job hunting is not easy, neither is being unemployed, but you have the power now to change your situation with knowledge and skills. Earn in dollars from global companies by learning the skills and tools ...
read full comment
Total nonsense. why de many wife's n hw many tyms can u all dis women as a man. a waist of their Tym n greediness is ur yard stick
))))) Single women are waiting for you at ~~>>>> www.Sexy24.mom
You have 6 wives, how can a rumor that you intend to have a 7th wife be said to be intentional to damage your reputation?