Following Mzbel’s harsh criticism of Counsellor Charlotte Oduro after news of her failed marriage went viral online, many began to wonder if the singer harboured a personal grudge against the marriage counsellor.
In explaining why she was so harsh with Counsellor Charlotte Oduro, Mzbel confirmed that she indeed has an issue with her.
Mzbel said Charlotte Oduro fought against her 10-year-old son when he made controversial remarks some time ago.
One would recall, in 2023, Mzbel’s son, Adepa, popularly known as Okomfo Black, stated in an interview that he deos not believe in the existence of God or Jesus Christ because it was his mother who took care of him.
He claimed that God did not create him, but his mother did, as she is the one who provided for his needs.
His statement was met with intense backlash from the public, particularly from Counsellor Charlotte Oduro.
During a discussion on UTV at the time, Charlotte Oduro expressed that, while she respects everyone’s right to their own beliefs, she cannot accept anyone speaking ill of God.
She vowed that she, along with other Christians, would stand against anyone who speaks negatively about God.
But it seems Mzbel has held onto her resentment about Charlotte Oduro’s comments about her son.
When the counsellor's marriage recently ended, Mzbel saw it as the perfect opportunity to strike back.
In a recent interview, when asked why she publicly dragged Charlotte Oduro online after her marriage failure, Mzbel responded: “When issues with Okomfo Black, my son, came up, this woman stood against him. She took it very personal and I was shocked. As for this woman, I can say I have a problem with her. I really do have a problem with her. She said she would stand against my child. A ten-year-old child?"
“When my son’s issue came up, she said she would fight for her God, but she couldn't even fight for her own marriage. She was trying to fight a 10-year-old boy over some God.”
Mzbel also expressed disappointment with the counsellor's reaction against her son, stating that she expected a more mature response to the situation.
“She calls herself a counsellor and a pastor, so I expected her to handle this situation differently. I was expecting her to say that the boy is young and should be cut some slack and that as he grows, he’ll come to understand,” Mzbel said.
She went on to label Counsellor Charlotte Oduro a poor example and stated that it was clear her marriage was bound to fail.
“After she spoke against my son, I started paying closer attention to her. I was disappointed that some people actually go to her for advice. It was so obvious her marriage would fail. Every time she insulted her husband, she thought it was a joke. She hasn’t made marriage appealing for us unmarried ones. She hasn’t set a good example,” Mzbel concluded.
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