Hello youth of Ghana. You can take your own life with medicine......for instance 10 paracetamol at once......or combine medicine and akpeteshie or weedicide. . ..
Hello youth of Ghana. You can take your own life with medicine......for instance 10 paracetamol at once......or combine medicine and akpeteshie or weedicide. . ..
KK 1 month ago
What type of foolish comment is this? You are encouraging people to kill themselves. You go and kill yourself if think your life is useless. God have mercy on your soul
What type of foolish comment is this? You are encouraging people to kill themselves. You go and kill yourself if think your life is useless. God have mercy on your soul
Gasco. 1 month ago
Men marry a woman you can enjoy.
Men marry a woman you can enjoy.
Prince Kafui 1 month ago
She was at her somewhere and went to propose love to her....who should be the one to be enjoying more...I support what the man of God said even though you are also making sense but yours i know the direction you are coming fr ... read full comment
She was at her somewhere and went to propose love to her....who should be the one to be enjoying more...I support what the man of God said even though you are also making sense but yours i know the direction you are coming from.although it makes sense but it doesn't from your point of view
Gasco. 1 month ago
Men marry a woman you can enjoy. Everyone should marry person they can enjoy, not one way issue.
Men marry a woman you can enjoy. Everyone should marry person they can enjoy, not one way issue.
Edem 1 month ago
Anyway women are the largest of the church members hence you must preach to make them feel good
Anyway women are the largest of the church members hence you must preach to make them feel good
Prince Kafui 1 month ago
When the bible said in Gen 2:24 that a man will leave the father and mother and hold fast his wife,why didn't you question God why a man should only be the one to leave the parents house and why woman can't do so
When the bible said in Gen 2:24 that a man will leave the father and mother and hold fast his wife,why didn't you question God why a man should only be the one to leave the parents house and why woman can't do so
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Pastor please advise that "Bullfrog" WHO IS CONSTANTLY SPEWING OUT NONSENSE.That man has lost his mind I think. Anytime he opens his mouth he can't help himself- foolish has to come out. He needs help Osofo- pray for him.
Pastor please advise that "Bullfrog" WHO IS CONSTANTLY SPEWING OUT NONSENSE.That man has lost his mind I think. Anytime he opens his mouth he can't help himself- foolish has to come out. He needs help Osofo- pray for him.
Job hunting is not easy, neither is being unemployed, but you have the power now to change your situation with knowledge and skills. Earn in dollars from global companies by learning the skills and tools for remote workers. ... read full comment
Job hunting is not easy, neither is being unemployed, but you have the power now to change your situation with knowledge and skills. Earn in dollars from global companies by learning the skills and tools for remote workers. It is for anyone interested; Housewife, students, professionals etc...LEARN how to combine your skills with the various tech-tools. Use this guide & get remote jobs that pay in dollars, selling your skills online!.LEARN how to Organize & automate workflows as a Remote worker. LEARN Step-by-step! Grab your copy of the ULTIMATE VIRTUAL ASSISTANT GUIDE NOW from selar.com/989z72 or amazon.com/dp/B0DXCZJPV6 ...od
Hannan 1 month ago
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*** Welcome to the best sex dating site >>> www.Hot4.eu
OSCAR BOKOR 1 month ago
Since Marriage is to be enjoyed,Men are to be Loved as women are to submit......
Since Marriage is to be enjoyed,Men are to be Loved as women are to submit......
Hello youth of Ghana. You can take your own life with medicine......for instance 10 paracetamol at once......or combine medicine and akpeteshie or weedicide. . ..
What type of foolish comment is this? You are encouraging people to kill themselves. You go and kill yourself if think your life is useless. God have mercy on your soul
Men marry a woman you can enjoy.
She was at her somewhere and went to propose love to her....who should be the one to be enjoying more...I support what the man of God said even though you are also making sense but yours i know the direction you are coming fr ...
read full comment
Men marry a woman you can enjoy. Everyone should marry person they can enjoy, not one way issue.
Anyway women are the largest of the church members hence you must preach to make them feel good
When the bible said in Gen 2:24 that a man will leave the father and mother and hold fast his wife,why didn't you question God why a man should only be the one to leave the parents house and why woman can't do so
## Do You Want A Strong Online Presence for Your Business, Organization or Institute? Then Get our Complete Social Media/Website Package Today: Package includes a Professional Website Design,Bulk sms Account,Google Business A ...
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Pastor please advise that "Bullfrog" WHO IS CONSTANTLY SPEWING OUT NONSENSE.That man has lost his mind I think. Anytime he opens his mouth he can't help himself- foolish has to come out. He needs help Osofo- pray for him.
Job hunting is not easy, neither is being unemployed, but you have the power now to change your situation with knowledge and skills. Earn in dollars from global companies by learning the skills and tools for remote workers. ...
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*** Welcome to the best sex dating site >>> www.Hot4.eu
Since Marriage is to be enjoyed,Men are to be Loved as women are to submit......