how can you now claim you are going to choose someone to represent Ghana at Miss World. What happened to the 1st and 2nd runner ups? or you scared to tell the world that they also resigned just few months into their reign?
how can you now claim you are going to choose someone to represent Ghana at Miss World. What happened to the 1st and 2nd runner ups? or you scared to tell the world that they also resigned just few months into their reign?
Son of man 10 years ago
What questionable behavior? If you can publish this, tell Ghanaians what she has done to be stripped of her crown. It is the proper thing to do. If you don't, she will and it will be her words against yours and a possible li ... read full comment
What questionable behavior? If you can publish this, tell Ghanaians what she has done to be stripped of her crown. It is the proper thing to do. If you don't, she will and it will be her words against yours and a possible liability suite for damages. Be smart!
Joe Turkey 10 years ago
"However, your subsequent acts seem to suggest that you were serious about your decision not to continue with your role as the Miss Ghana brand Ambassador." But the letter started..."We regret however, that your conduct has n ... read full comment
"However, your subsequent acts seem to suggest that you were serious about your decision not to continue with your role as the Miss Ghana brand Ambassador." But the letter started..."We regret however, that your conduct has not been consistent with your commitment to these values that you subscribed to, on becoming the Miss Ghana Ambassador at your crowning" It appears the young lady had notified the organizers about her intention to stand down. So is the young lady being relieved of her post (a Ghanaian parlance for firing) or the organizers are just accepting her decision to stand down?
ANCIENT MAN 10 years ago
na only the 2 parties sabi!!!
na only the 2 parties sabi!!!
Kwaku 10 years ago
Which individual in his/her right senses would just wake an say i want to resign?
Exclusive Event Ghana or whatever u call urself,dont u think it is appopriate to tell the whole world why Miss Pina in her own quest decided t ... read full comment
Which individual in his/her right senses would just wake an say i want to resign?
Exclusive Event Ghana or whatever u call urself,dont u think it is appopriate to tell the whole world why Miss Pina in her own quest decided to resign as Miss Ghana?
Obaa 10 years ago
The 'news' is already out. Reliable sources have it that, they arranged for her to meet dirty rich old men in hotels and the girl couldn't take it so she resigned. However, they took the resignation as a joke until Miss Pina ... read full comment
The 'news' is already out. Reliable sources have it that, they arranged for her to meet dirty rich old men in hotels and the girl couldn't take it so she resigned. However, they took the resignation as a joke until Miss Pina decided to misbehave. They then issued a letter to her to grant her her wishes even though they claim they kicked her out.
These beauty pageants are stupid, and wise girls don't go close to it. The girls will learn their lessons one-by-one.
kofi 10 years ago
its only in GH dat we can see an intitution lyk dis
waa look at de contradiction in ur statement
what ashame
its only in GH dat we can see an intitution lyk dis
waa look at de contradiction in ur statement
what ashame
We want to know
how can you now claim you are going to choose someone to represent Ghana at Miss World. What happened to the 1st and 2nd runner ups? or you scared to tell the world that they also resigned just few months into their reign?
What questionable behavior? If you can publish this, tell Ghanaians what she has done to be stripped of her crown. It is the proper thing to do. If you don't, she will and it will be her words against yours and a possible li ...
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"However, your subsequent acts seem to suggest that you were serious about your decision not to continue with your role as the Miss Ghana brand Ambassador." But the letter started..."We regret however, that your conduct has n ...
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na only the 2 parties sabi!!!
Which individual in his/her right senses would just wake an say i want to resign?
Exclusive Event Ghana or whatever u call urself,dont u think it is appopriate to tell the whole world why Miss Pina in her own quest decided t ...
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The 'news' is already out. Reliable sources have it that, they arranged for her to meet dirty rich old men in hotels and the girl couldn't take it so she resigned. However, they took the resignation as a joke until Miss Pina ...
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its only in GH dat we can see an intitution lyk dis
waa look at de contradiction in ur statement
what ashame