Inesfly paint Marketing Manager promised Shatta Wale $50,000 under influence of alcohol - OB Amponsah

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  • One Laster 7 years ago

    Masa come again i don't agree wid u. So it means whn someone is drunk de brain is also drunk anaa hw3 u for make study wate #Attention seeker fire burn u

  • Sensible Guy 7 years ago

    This guy is just a cheap and a junk meal. He's got no sense of humor for Christ's sake. Attention seeker. My friend komot. U better find yourself something beneficial na wei de3, yawa

  • Nana 7 years ago

    Some should tell the OB guy to retract the story and apologize. I nearly can take him to court and he would he very hot.
    Can he prove in court that the Marketing Manager was drunk?

  • Kweku Attoh 7 years ago

    Go ahead and take him to court .... Joker

  • Joe 7 years ago

    Oh, Amponsah. This is a lie. You're not funny at all.

  • Phantom .. 7 years ago

    bush boy comedian