This could have happened to anybody, it is not abnormal. My dear lady, get over it and enjoy your honeymoon.
This could have happened to anybody, it is not abnormal. My dear lady, get over it and enjoy your honeymoon.
Son of sons 7 years ago
Is this news worthy?
Is this news worthy?
Bigray @kokoteasu-obuasi 7 years ago
Pls where is wedding ststed in bible? All what is there confine in her parents with your bride price period.So where frm this western culture sweeping our men frm getting married?
Pls where is wedding ststed in bible? All what is there confine in her parents with your bride price period.So where frm this western culture sweeping our men frm getting married?
John 7 years ago
don't blame the West they didn't force us to copy it nor to copy it wrongly.
don't blame the West they didn't force us to copy it nor to copy it wrongly.
Croco 7 years ago
It is an imported culture from the western and Christians have cleared it at the port and it has come with a lot of financial hardship.Isaac and Rebbecca had a simple marriage which the Bible recorded. It is time we stop this ... read full comment
It is an imported culture from the western and Christians have cleared it at the port and it has come with a lot of financial hardship.Isaac and Rebbecca had a simple marriage which the Bible recorded. It is time we stop this financial nonsense.
kelvin 7 years ago
Qofi 7 years ago
Laugh it off it's normal
Laugh it off it's normal
Kayj 7 years ago
What is shocking about this, dont people fall all the time?
What is shocking about this, dont people fall all the time?
This could have happened to anybody, it is not abnormal. My dear lady, get over it and enjoy your honeymoon.
Is this news worthy?
Pls where is wedding ststed in bible? All what is there confine in her parents with your bride price period.So where frm this western culture sweeping our men frm getting married?
don't blame the West they didn't force us to copy it nor to copy it wrongly.
It is an imported culture from the western and Christians have cleared it at the port and it has come with a lot of financial hardship.Isaac and Rebbecca had a simple marriage which the Bible recorded. It is time we stop this ...
read full comment
Laugh it off it's normal
What is shocking about this, dont people fall all the time?