May we also be favoured to see the grace you're enjoying, Majid. It is only the grace that can find us to become like you. Keep up the good works
May we also be favoured to see the grace you're enjoying, Majid. It is only the grace that can find us to become like you. Keep up the good works
quasi sark 7 years ago
keep on de gud work man
God bless u
keep on de gud work man
God bless u
rihzoh dat 7 years ago
Have you also repent spiritually? Repentance comes with a big package. You need a deliverance both physical and spiritual. Anyway that's positive steps into your life. God bless you.
Have you also repent spiritually? Repentance comes with a big package. You need a deliverance both physical and spiritual. Anyway that's positive steps into your life. God bless you.
Obeng 7 years ago
Ghanaian christians are always misled. This guy knows nothing about the origin of Christianity and that it represents a mishmash of Roman idolatry and adultrated Jewish practice. Ghanaians, let's please wake up from our sleep ... read full comment
Ghanaian christians are always misled. This guy knows nothing about the origin of Christianity and that it represents a mishmash of Roman idolatry and adultrated Jewish practice. Ghanaians, let's please wake up from our sleep.
Francis 7 years ago
I pray that God gives u the spirit of perseverance. Good work brother
I pray that God gives u the spirit of perseverance. Good work brother
God bless Majid.
I hope he is not gonna be like ofori amponsah
Please continue majid
May we also be favoured to see the grace you're enjoying, Majid. It is only the grace that can find us to become like you. Keep up the good works
keep on de gud work man
God bless u
Have you also repent spiritually? Repentance comes with a big package. You need a deliverance both physical and spiritual. Anyway that's positive steps into your life. God bless you.
Ghanaian christians are always misled. This guy knows nothing about the origin of Christianity and that it represents a mishmash of Roman idolatry and adultrated Jewish practice. Ghanaians, let's please wake up from our sleep ...
read full comment
I pray that God gives u the spirit of perseverance. Good work brother