Opinions of Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Columnist: Biakoye, Nana

30 Press Conferences In 10 Months

These narcotics peddlers, they think that they can use their senseless press conferences to win the hearts and minds of Ghanaians?

Instead of the narcotics peddlers taking time to do a proper and comprehensive analysis of the reasons that led to their electoral defeat, they are insulting the intelligence of Ghanaians thinking that we will swallow their lies without asking any questions.

As part of their modus operandi to throw out lies, they have decided that they will organize a press conference every week to muddy the waters.

The NPP is quick to make noise about the Committees that President Mills is setting to help unravel the extent to which John Agyekum Kofi Diawuo “50 Cents” Ataa Ayi Kufuor and his gang of marauding thieves looted the nation’s coffers, yet they are glossing over the number of useless and senseless press conferences they have held in the past 10 months.

The NPP has held about 30 press conferences in 10 months and they have no problem with this senseless approach to politics.

Press conferences are one of the communication channels used to put information out.

In media studies, we know that press conferences are used as and when necessary. Indeed, press conferences are supposed to take place only when serious matters need to be addressed.

Somehow, in the world of the narcotics peddlers, press conferences have become their everyday way of communicating. And the most annoying thing is that, they are using press conferences to churn out lies. The NPP has succeeded in grossly abusing the press conference channel of communication and today, when Nana Biakoye hears of a press conference, I don’t take it serious.

O yes, the NPP has so bastardised the use of press conferences to the extent that right-thinking Ghanaians are no longer paying any attention to press conferences.

When Osei Kyei Mensah Bonsu, the new king of serial lairs, holds a press conference and lies as if he has sawdust in his head, why would anybody respect press conferences?

As for me Nana Biakoye, I will continue to thank God for giving Ghanaians the change we asked for and for making it possible for Ghanaians to know the true nature of the “mate me hu” narcotics peddlers party.

What they are doing today, is no different from what they did in the days of Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah. Unfortunately for Nkrumah, there wasn’t a plethora of news outlets and so over time, it was easy for people to believe that Nkrumah was a beast who used to throw his enemies to the tigers in the Zoo. It was also easy for people to believe that Nkrumah was satanic and worshiped “Kankan nyame”. All those stories about Nkrumah were nothing but lies. Thanks to modernity, it is not possible for the narcotics peddlers to get away with their lies and as the days roll by, Ghanaians are waking up to know that the “mate me hu” UP tradition, is a tradition that believes in manufacturing and telling lies as a way of winning votes.

Now that Ghanaians are wise enough to see through the shenanigans of the narcotics peddlers, and now that President Atta Mills is building a Better Ghana, I have no doubt that the narcotics peddlers will stay in opposition for a very long time.

As for the useless and senseless press conferences, they can hold one every second; it will not change the Better Ghana agenda of President Atta Mills and his Team A players.

Osei Kyei Mensah and his Minority group are a disgrace to Parliament and they should bow their heads in shame.

People of Ghana, ayekoo to you for not allowing Akufo-Addo to move Ghana forward into more, wee, cocaine, immorality, kickback, thievery, homosexuality, serial killing, debauchery, covetousness and extreme sin.

And did I hear some journalists say that they are sick and tired of NPP’s senseless press conferences and that in future they will not waste their precious time listening to uneducated lies? Oyiwa!!!

Nana Biakoye