Opinions of Friday, 4 December 2020

Columnist: Amos Nuamah Duodu

7th December: A trial without the defendant.

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On Monday, 7th December, we are going to vote for members of Parliament to represent us. The sad thing is that, we are going to vote for our MPs based on reasons that have nothing to do with their constitutional mandate.

Meanwhile, the main people who should have been answering the questions on constituency development will be sleeping by then.

The municipal chief executives should have been the main defendants in this trial. Sadly, they will not be voted for even though they are the signatories to the common funds and award constituency developmental projects.

Our MPs are going to answer the questions for the MCEs on Monday. Some MPs did well in parliament but are going to lose their seats because roads in their area were not fixed, Social amenities were not provided etc, meanwhile the MCEs should be answering these questions.

Dr. Mark Assibey Yeboah, the chairman of finance committee(a workaholic in parliament) lost his primaries because he was trialled for a wrong "crime".

I wish one day we'll vote for our MCEs and most preferably, in a non partisan manner.
