Opinions of Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Columnist: Bombande, Emmanuel

A Letter From The Sahara Desert To Hannah Tetteh

“The dignity of humanity is no longer measured by what is or by what one does but what owns”. These are the words of one time president of the United States of America (Jimmy Carter). It is in the light of this Ghanaians cannot put a spontaneous full stop to their persistent journeys to Europe via Libya in the name of seeking for greener pastures.
Folks, it is with deep sorrow I write from the ‘hot sandy’ nature of the SAHARA desert where I am currently struggling for space with more than 300 dead bodies as a result of an INCOMPETENT governance.
Unfortunately, we cannot germinate like seeds put under the ground do, because after decomposition, it is only our skulls and bones which would be remained and since the T.B Joshuas, the Mensah Otabels, the Duncan Williams and the likes are not like prophet Ezekiel of the olden days, we can only wait for our creator to come in to judge us some day according to our deeds during our short stay in Africa, more especially West Africa and for that matter Ghana.
Comrades, eventhough I am dead and gone but my soul still finds it very difficult to harbour the anger and hatred for my foreign affairs minister Hannah Tetteh.
On behalf of the over 300 dead bodies within which I stand as the ‘primus intaparis’, I forwarded a good number of official letters to the Ghanaian embassy in Tripoli via a messenger to be deposited at the door step of Hannah Tetteh. Information reaching my ofaltory system indicates that, the foreign affairs minister got hold of the letter, glanced through it and discarded it with the greatest of all forces.
Have you seen how stupid and insensitive some of our leaders can be? Please, close your mouth and let me continue, for I am being blunt here and I am not ready to apologize for using ‘harsh language’. It is about time somebody kept Hannah Tetteh on her toes. Maybe, I will perform the role of JESUS CHRIST here.
My dear readers, as the reggae legend BOB MARLEY once noted, “If you know your history, then you would know where you come from”. That is to say that, history is an integral part of us and as such, can never be forgotten. In view of this, I want us to visit the news headlines on the 25th day of July, 2014. One of the headlines that caught the attention of my ‘medulla oblonganta’ is “Hannah Tetteh’s son in a sex scandal”. For the sake of time and mercy, I will not go down to the nitty-gritty of that particular issue. I just want my lovely readers to know the kind of Homo sapiens the ‘Tetteh family’ is composed of.
A good number of my followers on this platform have personally phoned me to tone down a bit but fortunately or unfortunately some of us become ‘irascible’ when issues like this reach our ‘eustachian tubes’.
Folks, information germinating from the seat of the president has it that, our president has transferred the viral diseases of ‘yentie obiaa’, ‘incompetency’ and that of the ‘dead goat syndrome’ to our foreign affairs minister. I smell some elements of truth in it taken cognizance of how Hannah Tetteh discarded the official letters we sent to her.
Comrades, eventhough we are dead and buried in the Sahara desert in Tripoli (Libya) far away from home, our prayers and advice to you the living is to make a better choice, I mean, a choice that will mount Nana Addo Dankwa Akuffu Addo onto the highest seat of the land so he can straighten the badly damaged wheels of our economy. I sincerely believe if Nana Addo pinches his ‘gluteal muscles’ onto that seat, Ghana shall work again.
But for the latest massacre in Libya, life would have been far-far better considering the kind of remittances we used to send home.
I Bombande, together with all the dead bodies beneath the Sahara desert expect the foreign minister (Hannah Tetteh) to bisect her ‘buccal cavity’ to render an unqualified apology to the Ghanaian populace. Eventhough we are dead and gone forever, we still believe that, that is the only way our souls can be appeased.
I shall return with another episode when -
Wishing you all a HAPPY X-MAS and a PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR.
Bombande Emmanuel