Opinions of Sunday, 21 November 2004

Columnist: Mills, Rev. Dr. Rosa

A Novena Prayer For Ghana National Elections


As we, the people of Ghana acknowledge you today as ever, as Lord,

So we do as individuals into governments and of the nation,

Thank you Lord for the privilege accorded to organize politically To come

before your presence knowing that political loyalty

Is not divine disloyalty to you but a means of your grace,

To see you in divergence of political stand point

In convergence of your love supreme to mankind and our nation.

We do thank you for your law and order, conventions and rule,

Which democracy as imported to us by nations across the sea acknowledged

And indeed recognized superlatively, than any human law of any kind, Again

our grateful thanks to you Lord Most High

For the shout of peace being sought by the populace for tranquility And

the opportunity that the coming election time once more

Brings before us, the awareness of One people, One Nation, One

Destiny in voting correctly and the influence for others to vote.

In realization of our awakening, we pray for continual awareness

That our response to your creation requires us to be politically active

?For Behold All is Good? by you and if politics be the manner to see Your

handiwork of goodness yet not necessarily as for our salvation. Thus the

nation?s call to the heavenlies is not a sect freeing the World, but

rather a community of faith renewing the world

Of goodness restored, of love shared and of gabs bridged.

Awaken us Good Lord, that the hands lifted up to you in prayer

May so be the hands blessed to the voting booth.

That the same eyes that read your word with your mind

May be indeed the eyes that read the names on the ballot with the mind of

God. That the faith of God as creator unseen.

May remain the focus of truth

And righteousness at the entering pooling booths

Awaken, now as ever, before your people, Oman Ghana to justice in

commitment Beginning from the home, of true love for the sanctity of

marriage And respecting family life, of parents, children, nuclear and

extended families For the retention of dignity and of personal individual

human life Of Humans ?In-Relations and their basic inborn tendencies

that human rights always begin when human lives begin.

Not sporadic and not one moment later.

But there and then, with each for all and all for God.

Yes Lord, we rejoice now today, with hope for the future

That no matter what, we are no more, than citizens of

Your earthly Kingdom as of above, ordained to discharge

Our duty to you and to man by obligation of your will

In perfect love of your creation, that make us all

Committed to being faithful citizens on earth

As indeed of our country, Oman Ghana.

To the praise and glory of our Lord Jesus Christ

Who reigns with the father and the Holy Spirit,

One Lord, world without end. Amen.

(Adaptation Copyright reserved)