Opinions of Friday, 11 November 2022

Columnist: Carruthers Tetteh. Esq

A dream to become a lawyer, two decades in total blindness

Carruthers Tetteh. Esq Carruthers Tetteh. Esq

God did not guarantee a life free from pain, struggles, and hardships. Instead, he promised to give us the power to overcome them. As the scripture says “The pain I have been feeling can’t compare to the joy that is coming”, Romans 8:18.

Life can hit you so hard sometimes that all you can do is weep, pray and have faith that things will get better. The storm is not as threatening when the anchor is securely fastened in the deep.

My name is Carruthers Tetteh, a Lawyer with visual impairment, and this is my story.

Sometime in 2002 during my Basic Education Level, I suffered from a condition known as Stevens-Johnson syndrome due to a severe adverse reaction to medical treatment. Which resulted in my whole skin peeling off like burns by heat and eventually leading to the loss of my sight.

It was a very distressing period for my whole family. Especially my mum went through emotional difficulties in accepting her first son’s visual impairment. However, my family did not give up on my education and went to every extent to support me in achieving success.

When I was enrolled in the Akropong School for the Blind, I realized my dream to be part of the noble profession was not lost with my new visual impairment.

Against all odds, I projected a future full of hope and in spite of the staggering obstacles with support for persons living with disability in Ghana’s education. I continued to work hard toward the realization of my dream of becoming a lawyer. I overcame many impediments, shattered barriers, crossed social boundaries, and faced stereotypes head-on.

In 2019, I was awarded a degree in Bachelor of Laws with First Class Honors from the Faculty of Law, University of Cape Coast.

Prior to this, I had obtained a First-Class Degree from the Department of Education, Arts and Social Sciences with English Language as my major, also at the University of Cape Coast.

I attempted an entry into the Ghana School of Law in 2019, however, I was not successful at the first stage, which was a significant setback for me. This however did not dampen my spirit nor change my pursuit of a career as a lawyer.

Therefore, I attempted entry again in 2020 and, thankfully, made it this time.

Truth be told, it’s been a very tough journey.

At a point, I wanted to give up because I felt I was being a burden on many people as they had to guide me to the lecture halls and sometimes go out of their way to read books that were not accessible online.

These constraints occasionally impacted my mental health. But through it all, I've developed my faith in God. God has blessed me with a lot of abilities and a supportive network.

Today, I celebrate double success. I have been called to the bar about completing a Master of Laws (LLM) Degree in Alternative Dispute Resolution at the University of Ghana, Legon. This is just the beginning of greater achievements.

To anyone in doubt of their dreams, keep the focus, and never give up on your dreams.

A very big thank you to God and all who have held it down for me.
