Opinions of Monday, 17 May 2010

Columnist: Boateng, Kwame Appiah

Abolish Ghana Embassies to Save Tax Payers' Money

--- Say's Presidential Aspirant.

By Puduo Adonteng and Chuku Achebe, MORNING STAR News.

Claiming that he is "Ghana's Most Patriotic Citizen" as his numerous ideas which have been implemented in Ghana and countless, (sometimes Sensational), and highly-read writings on Ghanaweb.Com, provide "Empirical Evidence" --- Pro American Ghana's 2012 Presidential Aspirant and former Ghanaian-American Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate, "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Appiah Boateng, popularly known by Ghanaians around the World as "Kwame Mayor", has publicly asked the government of Ghana to shut down all (in-effective) Ghanaian Embassies around the World to save Tax Payers' Money --- blasting most, (but not all) --- Ghanaian Ambassadors as a "Bunch of Greedy, Selfish, "Bottom-Power"; "Sugar Daddies" who solicit "Sicadicious" and Gold-Digging Girls on First Class "Air Ghana" Flights, and who are "Cigar-Smoking Do-Nothings" --- not doing anything for the Best Interest of Ghanaians abroad ---- and "did nothing when Ghanaians were massacred in Gambia --- and did nothing when a Ghanaian National was shot in the face by Campus Police at the University of Florida --- and did nothing when Ghanaians were lynched in "Agege" during "Oil Days" in Nigeria --- and did nothing when a Ghanaian Prince from the Northern Region died in Japan while in the custody of Japanese Immigration Officials --- and did nothing when Ghanaians where killed and detained in Libya --- and did nothing when Ghanaians Immigrants and other African Brothers were killed in Italy in the hands of Mafias, to mention but a few".

" I have done more than any Ghanaian Ambassador (around the World), in terms of fighting for the Best Interest of Ghanaians living abroad", said the Ghanaian born Politician who has been described by American Public Oficials as "more educated than 70 % of America's Population", and who has asked Ghanaians to document injustices against him in History Books and Oral History, for future references when Judgement Day of Accountability comes.

Meanwhile, the Expert on America-Africa Relations has said that the recent U.S. Embassy's denial of Diplomatic Visas to Ghana's Senior Government Officials within His Excellency, President John Evans Atta Mills' government could be a "Warm-Up Exercise" to place (Rawlings' controlled government on "Terrorist List"), for "savagery terrorizing its own African or Ghanaian People by persecuting innocent Asantes; discriminating against innocent Fantes; exploiting innocent Ewes to vote for the NDC in vain; direspecting innocent Gas and their King in their own Accra backyard, magilising and exploiting innocent Brongs, innocent Kwahus, innocent Akuapems, innocent Akwamus, innocent Denkyiras and innocent Ga-Adangbes; and deceiving innocent People from the Northern and Upper Regions, especially "Our Hausa Brothers and Sisters", to mention but a few).

"Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Mayor said whereas the United States did the right thing by denying Diplomatic Visa for Atto Ahwoi whose hands are still bloody from Rawlings Military days --- U.S. Embassy erred by denying Ghana's Energy Minister, Dr. Oteng Agyei a Diplomatic Visa since the Energy Minister who was "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Mayor's Senior at the famouse "Great Koss" High School, is a Patriot who is serving his Country and has [not] committed any Crime Against Humanity which Atto Ahwoi, Jerry John Rawlings, Boakye Djan, Kofi Awoonor, Kojo Tsikata and former President John Agyekum Kufuor who served PNDC's brutal Military regime are associated with.

(Ghana's Energy Minister, Dr. Oteng Agyei was the first Person to briefly introduce "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Mayor to the Scripture Union (S.U) at the famed "Great Koss", where the future Ghanaian-American Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate was so popular in his High School days due to his Extraordinary Political Talents that he was referred to as "Political Advisor", or "J.P.K --- the Political Advisor").

Former Kufuor's Minister, Stephen Asamoah-Boateng ("Asaabe"), a dangerous Traitor and the Biblical Judas, sold Jesus --- ("Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Mayor), to the greedy, selfish and "intellectually in-secured" former President John Agyekum Kufuor.

(It should be absolutely clear to all that it was former Minister Stephen Asamoah-Boateng ("Asaabe") who collaborated with former President John Agyekum Kufuor and the disgraced former Minister, Kwadwo Mpiani, to terrorize his own former High School Mate at "Great Koss" --- "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Mayor, a former Ghanaian-American Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate).

The Expert and Pro-American Educated Scholar said that U.S. could send its Warships to the Waters of Ghana in a show of force [if] Rawlings' controlled government does not reject terrorism and renounce violence against its own people --- the Brave and Peaceful People of Ghana and publicly warned the Security Mafias who have chosen Terrorism over Civilized ways of Democracy, Freedom and Liberty not to forget the fate that befell Saddam Hussein and his henchmen when U.S.- led "Coalition of the Willing" punished State-Sponsored Terrorists.

The Politician added that former Ghana's Military Dictator, Jerry John Rawlings should count himself lucky to have escaped the same fate that befell Liberia's ex-Military Leader, Samuel Doe.

The Aspiring Presidential Candidate assured the Nation that he would forgive both Kufuor and Rawlings --- in the next "Truth and Reconciliation Commission" his government plans to set up.

[IN ANOTHER DEVELOPMENT], "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Mayor, the 2004 / 2008 CPP Parliamentary Candidate for Nhyiaeso Constituency in Kumasi, Ashanti Region, and Leader of Uhuru Freedom Party, who contemplated the idea of running for NPP Presidential Flagbearership in 2012, has publicly announced that he would run for President of Ghana either as an (Independent Presidential Candidate, or on the ticket of his Card-Carrying CPP) --- telling Ghanaians around the World on his popular Campaign Website : WWW.KwameforPresident.Com, that whereas he has always committed himself to "thinking what he can do for Mother Ghana, and not what Mother Ghana can do for him", the NDC and NPP Presidential Candidates are "always strategizing on how much they can steal from the People of Ghana, and not what they can do for Ghana", --- throwing a Bombshell that he can "never reconcile with the Blood-Thirsty; Spiritually Bankrupt; Hi-Tech Corrupt and Hypocritical former Military Junta Dictator, Jerry John Rawlings, and former President John Agyekum Kufuor, the Mean-Spirited; Morally-Corrupt and Ex-PNDC Collaborator --- until both Rawlings and Kufuor apologise to the Nation for their "Sins Against Humanity".

The former Precinct Captain for President Barack Obama's Campaign, with solid "Pro-American Democracy and Pan-Africanist Credentials", announced that beginning next week, he would launch his "KWAME MAYOR LIVE !!!" --- (Audio Broadcasts) on his Campaign Website: WWW.KwameforPresident.Com and continue to expose the Political Sins of both Rawlings and Kufuor to the World Audience --- warning Rawlings and the hierarchy of the National Security that the White House; the Pentagon, the United States Congress; the entire American People; United Nations Tribunal and the brave People of Ghana would hold them collectively and 100% accountable [if] they plot evil against him --- and would face the same fate as Saddam Hussein and his henchmen faced when they were hanged until the head(s) were decapitated.

"There will not be any Ghana for anybody to live --- [if] Rawlings and his Terrorist Mafias plot evil against me", warned the "Royal Politician" from Bamang, near the Kente weaving Town of Bonwire in Kumasi, Ashanti Region, whose very biological ancestors, as occupants of the Kumasi or Asanteman Adontenghene Stool, gallantly led all the Asante wars against Colonialism and Imperialism perpetuated on African soil (Ghana) by "Our European Brothers and Sisters".

"Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Mayor, who attended School in his Childhood days at Government Boys School, "Asem Boys" with many Hausas whom he described as his "Allies" and called them "Our Hausa African Brothers and Sisters", said that he is 100% confident of a Decisive, Peaceful (Non-Violent) "People's Retaliation" on his behalf by the "Good People of Ghana"; the "Good People of the International Community", especially, "Brave Americans" --- [if] Rawlings and his ruling government resort to Domestic and / or Global Terrorism --- accusing Rawlings and some of his Security Mafias of practicising Terrorism by recruiting Foreigners, such as the Terrorist with either "Liberian (or) Sierra Leonean accent" who left threatening statements on his Voice Mail --- and prior to that, another Terrorist with "Nigerian accent" left threats on his Voice Mail.

"Rawlings and some of his National Security Mafias have plotted against me in diverse ways and the White House must develop strategic plans to deal with them collectively, said the former Ghanaian-American Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate who has also publicly asked the White House, the Pentagon and the United States' Congress to investigate and deal drastically with (any) member of the U.S. Intelligence Community who has ever collaborated with the government of Ghana or any government to harass him --- *(without the consent and knowledge of the Civilized Government of the United States of America, and without the knowledge of the Brave American People who sincerely believe in the Noble Principles of Democracy, Freedom, Liberty and Equality)*.

" It's time for Allied Democratic Forces led by the United States of America to expose both [Domestic and International Terrorists], and deal with the Cowards who are "Enemies of Freedom"; "Enemies of Liberty" and "Enemies of Equality" who are always insecured and intimidated by my Intellectual Power", said the Pro-American Democracy Activist, "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Mayor, dubbed "America's Mandela", whose Life has always been terrorized by a (few) "Sub-Human or Sub-Animal Political Terrorists who abuse their powers without shame, to commit evil deeds against decent Human Beings and Extraordinary Intellectuals like him".

[IN ANOTHER DEVELOPMENT] ------ Ghanaian Immigrants in USA have been publicly advised to stay away from Arizona due to that State's "Anti-Immigrants" new Law that allows Police Officers to arrest and question the "papers" of Persons suspected to be in the Country illegally, said "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Appiah Boateng, popularly known by Ghanaians around the World as "Kwame Mayor" --- a Populist former Ghanaian-American Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate who is an aspiring (Independent Presidential Candidate) in Ghana's 2012 elections --- blasting most, (but not all) Ghanaian Ambassadors as a "bunch of Greedy, Selfish, "Bottom-Power" and Cigar-Smoking Do-Nothings" who are not doing anything for the Best Interest of Ghanaians abroad, and "did nothing when Ghanaians were massacred in Gambia; and did nothing when a Ghanaian National was shot in the face by Campus Police at the University of Florida; and did nothing when Ghanaians were lynched in "Agege", Nigeria during "Oil Days"; and did nothing when a Ghanaian Prince from the Northern Region died in Japan while in the custody of Japanese Immigration Officials; and did nothing when Ghanaians where killed and detained in Libya; and did nothing when Ghanaian Immigrants and other African Brothers were killed in Italy in the hands of Mafias, to mention but a few".

"Although "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Mayor can do a far Superior job as Ghana's Ambassador to (any) Country in the World, the archaic; hateful; insecured; selfish, greedy, short-sighted and Partisan Politics of President John Evans Atta Mills (who is always controlled by Dictator and Blood-Sucker Jerry Rawlings); and Mills' predecessor, former President John Agyekum Kufuor --- (the most wicked, mean-spirited PNDC Collaborator of Rawlings) --- would not allow him "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Mayor to benefit from his Extraordinary Talents and "Intellectual Supremacy", according to several supporters of the "People's Politician".

Returning to the Arizona Immigration Law, the Celebrated Human Rights and Civil Rights Activist hinted that Ghanaians without the possession of "Green Cards" in USA are staying away from visiting or moving to Arizona or may be running away from the State where a new State Law allows Police to question People about their "Papers".

The concerned Civil Rights Politician and head of Africans Civil Liberties Association (ACLA), has again, publicly advised Ghanaian Nationals in USA who do not have "Green Cards" [not] to visit or move to the State of Arizona to avoid arrest and deportation.

The Africans Civil Liberties Union (ACLA) is currently soliciting help from Immigration and Civil Rights Attorneys to fight for Ghanaian Nationals in USA, according to the Organization's Executive Director.

ACLA is located at 65 Pine Avenue, Suite # 166, Long Beach, CA 90805, USA, Telephone (+562) 428-3727, Fax (562) 984-9109.

The Politician accused Ghana's ruling John Evans Atta Mills' government and that of his predecessor, former President John Agyekum Kufuor for denying him a chance to serve Ghanaians with at least, an Ambassadorial position since he is the one always fighting for the best interest of Ghanaians abroad.

"Whereas the World has moved into the New Millennium with "American Style of Democracy of Free Speech and the noble values of Multi-Party Democracy, Freedom and Liberty", President John Evans Ata Mills and former President John Agyekum Kufuor take Political Criticisms personally out of their lack of Intellectual Understanding of the true principles of Freedom of Speech.

"Even Jerry John Rawlings who has endured years of my criticisms and personal attacks on his Human Rights and Civil Rights records has behaved as a Man to understand my Moral obligations to criticise what is wrong or evil. However, President John Evans Atta Mills and former President John Agyekum Kufuor are the ones who have taken my Moral and Holy attacks against them personally --- in ways that some of our "Proverbial" Women will not take Political and Constructive criticisms too personal", said the Politician.

" In other words, President John Evans Atta Mills and former President John Agyekum Kufuor should behave like real men and accept my "American Style of Politics which they are not used to", said the "People's Politician".

"Kufuor never gave me a chance to serve in his government and God has retaliated against him by bringing him and his cohorts like Kwadwo Mpianim and Stephen Asamoah-Boateng ("Asaabe") into "National Shame".

President John Evans Atta Mills and his National Security Mafias should be ashamed of themselves for behaving like "Standard Seven Graduates", and conspiring against me and placing obstacles on my way to serve the so-called inclusive government of President Atta Mills government which un-wisely hates Asantes and foolishly discriminates against Fantes.

" I have done more than any Ghanaian Ambassador (around the World), in terms of fighting for the Best Interest of Ghanaians living abroad", repeated the Ghanaian born Politician who has been described by American Public Oficials as "more educated than 70 % of America's Population", and who has asked Ghanaians to document injustices against him in History Books and Oral History --- for future references when Judgement Day of Accountability comes.

Meanwhile, Ghanaian Immigrants in the United States of America, (especially those without Green Cards) --- along with other Immigrants from different Countries around the World living in USA, could benefit from the impending "Million Men and Women" Immigration March from the Abraham Lincoln (Memorial) Statute in Washington D.C, to the White House, on Saturday, July 3rd, 2010, (12 Noon), to demand Immigration Reforms from Obama's White House, and to protest against Arozona State's anti-Immigrants Law that would allow Police to search "Papers" of People they suspect to be illegal Aliens, said March Organizer and former Ghanaian-American Los Angeles Mayoral Candidatete---(turned Aspiring Independent Presidential Candidate in Ghana's 2012 Elections --- "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Appiah Boateng, popularly known by Ghanaians around the World as "Kwame Mayor", who is also organizing other "Million Marches to the White House", such as the "Million March" to the White House on Sunday, July 4th, 2010, (12 Noon) --- (beginning from Abraham Lincoln's Memorial Statute), to protest against Police abuse and excessive use of force against defenseless Civilians, especially Students, and the "Great Long March" from the White House to the site of the Twin Towers in New York on Monday, July 5th, 2010, at 12 Noon, to protest against Global Terrorism and the threats of Narcotic Terrorism.

Prior to the White House "Million Men and Women March", the Iconic Civil Rights and Human Rights Crusader, "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Mayor, has publicly called for Peaceful and Non-Violent Marches throughout USA, to protest Arizona's "Anti-Immigrants Law".

The Politician's Campaign Website : WWW.KwameforPresident.Com dubbed the Immigration March "Different Colors, One People Immigration March" and listed the address of Lincoln's (Memorial) Statute where the Marches will begin as : Independence Avenue, S.W, & 23rd Street, S.W, Washington, D.C, Zip Code, 20001, and also listed the White House address as : 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20500).

(It should be noted that if the Arizona "Anti-Immigrants Law" goes into effect, it would require both United States' Citizens and Non-Citizens to carry their "Papers" at all times).

"Rainbow Colors" of People --- Whites, Blacks, Latinos, Native Americans, Asians, etc, from every State across America are expected to participate in the Peaceful (Non-Violent) Rally at the same spot where the Legendary Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, delivered his " I Have a Dream" Speech.

Similar "Different Colors, One People Immigration Marches" would be held at City Halls and State Capitols throughout the United States of America and around the World, especially Mexico, to protest Arizona's Anti-Immigrants Law.

The "Different Colours, One People" slogan was coined by the late South African Reggae Super Star, Lucky Dube of Blessed Memory, according to the March Organizer, "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Appiah Boateng, who has publicly invited the Legendary Nelson Mandela to try his best to speak at the White House Rally, along with other Civil Rights' Giants.

The Great Politician, dubbed "America's Mandela" --- a Civil Rights Giant in his own right and the first indigenous African to run for a higher Political office in the history of United States of America --- (since America gained its Independence from Great Britain in 1776), is expected to present Petitions to U.S. President, Barack Obama --- calling for "Kinder and Gentler Immigration Reforms" that would truly reflect America's un-deniable history as a "Land of Immigrants" --- with "forever opening arms" of the Statute of Liberty, serving as a refuge for those still yearning to be free -- "the persecuted, the poor, the hungry", etc.

The former Ghanaian-American Candidate for Mayor of Los Angeles, 1993 and ex-Candidate for Governor of California 2010 is publicly appealing to Mexico's President Felipe Calderon and his entire Cabinet Ministers to join the Peace March to Washington, D.C, to protest against Arizona's "un-American" Immigration Law.

The "People's Candidate" and Champion for the Voiceless appealed for audiences with Pope Benedict; President Barack Obama, Queen Elizabeth, Mexican President Calderon, Nelson Mandela and Members of the Nobel Peace Prize Committee to discuss about his his Moral Crusades !!!.

[Email]: KwameMayor@Yahoo.Com

* [Website] : WWW.KwameforPresident.Com

Telephone (+562) 428-3727 / (+562) 489-4010
