(A National Drive to Support the Unemployed and Achieve Food Sufficiency)
In proposing unusual ideas to enrich the affairs of nations, it is important to look for precedence. In this regard it is to history that we looked for inspiration. We looked at the times and the work of the thirty-second President of the United States, and the only man ever elected to four terms in that office. When Roosevelt took office on March 4, 1933, the conditions in America were very much like the conditions we face as a nation today. Thirteen million (13,000,000) Americans were unemployed, the banking structure was collapsing, clouds of gloom and despair hung over the entire nation.
In his inaugural address this is what he had to say to the American people ? The only thing to fear is fear itself????This nation asked for action and action now. Our greatest primary task is to put people to work??.. The people of the United States have not failed. They asked for ?direct, vigorous leadership?. For discipline and direction under leadership. Within 100 days of assuming office he enacted the basic legislation of the New Deal. Among these were:
- 1. The Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA)
2. The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)
3. The Emergency Relief Administration
4. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
5. The Tennessee Valley Authority.
The Key Players
- 1. The Government of Ghana
2. The Chiefs and Queen mothers of our traditional areas
3. Local Government
4. Local Residents
- 1. The Chiefs release land capable of supporting modern grain production on long term lease
2. An agreement be established with users of the land to pay a fee from the sales of their farm products into a fund administered by local residents and used for the funding of social, health and educational facilities such as libraries, scholarships for needy students, sports centre, hospital etc.
3. The Chiefs provide mentoring support, including visits to lift morale.
Role of Local Government
- 1. District Chief Executives should encourage traditional leaders to provide land.
2. Poverty Reduction Funds should be used to provide grants for:
- a) land clearing and preparation for farming
b) grain seedlings
c) marketing training
d) assistance in finding export markets in the event of local glut
e) building cooperative storage facilities
f) employ Agricultural Officers to offer technical support in scientific agricultural practices
Solving the poverty problem in rural Ghana requires rapid growth in output, income, and employment. Although there is the requirement for large growth in Ghana?s exports, domestic demand is important in the initial stages of accelerated economic growth and hence the need to raise productivity in the agriculture sector. This can only be achieved through the co-operation of the custodian of our lands (Nananom), Government and the locals. Agriculture is important because it employs so much of the labor force in the early stages of development. Rising farm incomes are spent largely on labor-intensive products of the rural sector, boosting demand where it does the most good in generating further increases in employment. If well implemented, the growing agriculture sector will generate a sufficient increase in employment to increase real wage rates in rural areas.
Sydney, Australia

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