Opinions of Wednesday, 23 December 2009

Columnist: Mohammed, Chief Obosu

Adopting The Politics Of Ghana First

Undoubtedly, the Ghanaian political terrain, over the last decade, has increasingly become more of a propagandist tool, instead of consensus national building for the socio-economic growth of the nation. Sometimes, I wonder if indeed, we have lost our sense of patriotism and nationhood, for the general well being of our society, to our own parochial and partisan interest. In the words of Will Rogers, a famous American actor and columnist, he states,

€œEverything is changing. People are taking the comedians seriously and the politicians as a joke”. This assertion has creepingly eaten into our political landscape.

I must also admit, the dynamism in politics and its relevance, but depending on the direction it takes, determine if it is indeed progressive or a retrograde. The Ghanaian populaces have to a large extent become discerning and political conscious; there by taking part in active day to day politics through both the print and electronic media. I commend the media for embracing and pushing that agenda, and also the government for sustaining freedom of speech and of the press. This indeed, is good for our democracy and we must all uphold this tenet, were every individual will have the courage to speak to issues, devoid of any fear or favor from the powers that be.


However, whiles we exercise our lawful right to speak and write, it must be done in a way that will ensure harmony and tranquility across the political divide, but this is far from the latter. I have ardently observed, anytime a platform is created for an intellectual discourse in our electronic media networks, be it television or radio, it is very disheartening and regretful, to hear matters of national concern been relegated to insults, blame game, partisan interest and propaganda by political party activists and other loyalists. The most devastating part of it is our leading politicians, whom we derive inspiration from, and who we expect to lead us on the path of right, are the main culprits to this twist and turns in our national politics.

How then do we grow our society, if all of us toe this line of unpatriotic, witch-hunting, vilification and intolerance? We always envisage, moving from a third world country to a first world within the short to long-term run or attain higher economic status, but the realistic truth is, we cannot grow as a nation if we keep trotting down the lane of darkness. I find it heart warming and worth replicating by all meaningful Ghanaians, when an American author and columnist by name Bill Vaughan made a statement, and I quote “A citizen of America will cross the ocean to fight for democracy, but won't cross the street to vote in a national election”. This is how far, the level of patriotism they have, has developed and transformed their nation into a first world, by putting their countries interest first, and also to spice up things, their ability to tolerate political opponents and speak to issues decisively, and also reach to a consensus, when it comes to affairs of national importance. It is obvious, when we watch and listen to their discussions and debates on Cable News Network, British Broadcasting Corporation and other related international networks.

As a people with one common destiny, thus to transform our economy into a first world country, and to preserve our culture and heritage for the next generation, we must begin to eschew all these negative vices. Our political leaders need to set the pace for a consensus national development plan, if indeed what they seek is the welfare of the society and the economic growth of our nation, there by disregarding negative propaganda, and justifying the unjustifiable. The few politicians and party activists, who have chosen the path of right, to speak and address national issues, without been partisan and personal for the interest of the nation, cannot undertake this task alone, it certainly must be a shared responsibility, since they alone cannot make the change we expect to see in our society and body politics. All must be involved in making that change a manifestation.

There is no traitor other than a person, who goes against his own convictions and speaks falsely on issues of national concern deliberately, just for political or personal reasons. This negative stance, if treated with kid gloves, has grave repercussions on the development of the nation, as well as the youth who will be taken up the mantle in the near future. Obviously, no form of policy, no matter how best it is, can see the light of the day, if people across the political divide, keep maligning and pursuing their own parochial interest, at the expense of the nation.



Our political leaders, ought to create the atmosphere and spearhead the need for patriotism, and tolerance among themselves, for young ones, who are nurturing the ambition to undertake front-line politics in the national interest, to emulate, fill encouraged and instill in them those virtues that will enable them co-exist and work in congruent with their political opponents, without seeing them as enemies or a game of war.

Like many compatriots, I dream of a Ghana were the ruling government and the parties in opposition, will work in camaraderie, and were patriotism, tolerance and good morality will be adhered, to the extreme, In other for our nation to be among, the front runners in the global world.


God Bless Ghana.  Â


Long Live Social and Political Activism!

Chief Obosu Mohammed




