Opinions of Saturday, 22 October 2011

Columnist: Laryea, Ralf


Akwaaba is an Akan version of the English word; WELCOME. Indeed it has been used for years to welcome travelers both Ghanaians and foreigners into the country , Ghana.
Actually, Akwaaba is a catchy word for even foreigners and had won the hearts of many travelers.
It receives nationwide recognition as it has been and still being used across the length and breadth of the country.
I will not be surprised if Akwaaba is voted for its inclusion into the learner’s dictionary to be on
level terms with kwashiorkor, Ga word for malnutrition.

At this point, I will not be amazed if you start questioning yourself about what I am trying to put across.
Not too long ago, I read from Ghana web about how a group of people from LA a suburb of Accra were agitating that Akwaaba is substituted with a GA word to ussher in travelers into Ghana. Upon reading the article; four questions came into my mind.
Firstly, why agitate over the usage of Akwaaba? secondly, what will the change attract?. Thirdly; what GA word best substitutes Akwaaba? Next; is there any catchy word than this Akwaaba?
Infact, time can provide an alternate word though ,but will it permanently solve the problem? It is about time we linked up issues to raise the values of corresponding or related situations.
In my perception, the major link to the prevailing issue is the neglected frustrated GA language. Let us be mindful of the fact that languages are God’s Given Gift (3G’s) around which custom, traditions and cultures are pivoted. Hence, the premature “death” of a language results in fading away of a community’s customs, traditions and culture.
Presently, God’s Given Gift : the GA language is screaming for help; yelling to survive. It must therefore be given a critical look. “kooloo ni he yoo gbeyei le eyitso amoo” says the GA adage; literally meaning “A dangerous wild animal must be tamed by getting grip of the head”.
We must therefore see it relevant and necessary and attach value to our fast sinking Ga language which traces its origin from God.
Before the Ga language can be on its feet; we as Ga’s need to be proud of our language; stop the blame game find a way of enriching our language through traditions and culture; gone are those days when speaking of the Ga language was a bluff.
Also its COMPULSRY teaching in the basic level of education in the Accra municipality; the allocated dwelling place for the Gas. This must be treated with intense and purpose. Ga language must be taught with maximum availability of teachers for the subject.
When educational institutions take into consideration the geographical location of Accra and implement needed policies to help aid the teaching, learning and speaking of the Ga language will be materialized.
Full implementation of policies can help the reconstruction of the sinking language. Out of which the Ga proverbs, idioms, music, songs, loving phrases and other customs and traditions will emerge to display their beauties.
In actual sense, it will solve multiple of problems; as others learn the Ga language they will intend to appreciate and unveil the customs, traditions and cultures of the Ga people.
To conclude therefore, the aforementioned in away directs the group agitating for a change from ‘Akwaaba’ to reconsider their decision for such abstract changes; and rather insist on finding lasting solutions such as insisting on monopolizing the GA language in the School curriculum in the Accra municipality. Teaching and learning the language in the various schools and also a positive attitude towards our traditions and culture by our own people especially our chiefs and elders.So as to enjoy the good amenities of the Nations capital
