Opinions of Thursday, 11 January 2018

Columnist: Adnan Mustapha

An African voice on homosexuality

Many African countries have developed strong laws to criminalize the act Many African countries have developed strong laws to criminalize the act

Under the pretext of Safeguarding Human rights all over the world, a lot of immoralities have been introduced and forced into our way of life. Capital importing nations have been bullied and forced or cajoled in many instances to kowtow to some of these satanic norms.

The 21st century has seen the practice of homosexuality gained an exponential growth. Advocacy institutions and Persons pushing for legalization and acknowledgement of the act have received strong financial backing from the LGBT community with the support of Western Super Powers.

Some of the extreme measures taken to ensure the act is accepted by all include severance of economic ties and Aid cuts.

In the last few years, Africa, a continent that holds in high esteem it's Cultural, Traditional and Religious values all of which abhors the act have become a target.

Many African countries notably Nigeria and Uganda have developed strong laws, criminalizing the act and in some cases with an extension to advocates trudging for its legalization.

In Ghana, President Atta Mills of blessed memory saw it necessary to send a very strong response to then Prime Minister of UK, David Cameron, after the later had threatened Ghana with aid cut if we fail to decriminalize and condone the practice.

However, regardless of the strong condemnation and detestation from Africa, South Africa have opened up its Laws to accept the practice. There are also pockets of individuals in most of the countries that criminalizes the act who are secretly engaged in homosexuality.

Recently on Aljazeera, President Nana Addo, opined, when ask of Ghana’s stance on the subject and what his personal view was that, “it is something that is bound to happen when a strong coalition or voice emerge”. This, many saw was at variance with the values and belief system of Ghanaian cultures.

His response was labelled soft with wide condemnation from Ghanaians who saw their leaders as an epitome of their beliefs.

As Africans, we wish to convey to the world that we do not hate individuals engaged in the practice, rather, it is the act itself that we abhor. Such persons to us are deemed to be suffering from some form of mental disorder and we are willing to commit our time and resources towards restoring their mental balance in whichever way we can.

To dictate to us which practices are good for us in itself is an infringement on our sovereign right. We have our flaws like any other human society and we are working to correct them. Nothing can or will deter us from veering off from what gives us our identity.

Our partnership should be based on mutual respect and tolerance. Any attempt to subdue our resolve on this devilish act will not work.

Our Beliefs Our Pride
