Opinions of Monday, 17 August 2009

Columnist: Agbozo, Enoch Immanuel A.

An Open Letter To Atta-Millls, Kufuor & Rawlings

An Open Letter To Presidents J. Atta-Millls, J. A. Kufuor And J.J. Rawlings Enoch Immanuel A. Agbozo

Your humble servant has great pleasure to bring glad tidings of PEACE, JOY and HOPE from the Most High God, Father of JESUS CHRIST, Saviour, Redeemer and King of kings to His Excellencies.

God, who in His Divine wisdom and mercy elected, chosen, redeemed and resurrected Ghana back to glory as STAR of AFRICA would have His servant inform your Excellencies that, He has established and will uphold nation and people of Ghana as ‘MY PEOPLE’, Beulah Land, Redeemed and Holy unto Him for His everlasting kingdom glory in Africa and the nations of the world. A New Ghana has been born and married of Him. The NEW GHANA, married and crowned as BEULAH LAND has been given a new name, THE NEW JERUSALEM. That certifies Ghana as nation and people and government of God. The beauty and glory of the New Ghana shall not be in material things nor silver and gold and the praise of men. Ghana shall be identified with God’s HOLY PRESENCE, His MIGHTY WORKS and MAJESTIC GLORY in the lives and affairs of nation and people. The governance and glory of Ghana shall therefore be marked with TRUTH, PEACE, RIGHTEOUSNESS, JUSTICE and JOY, FREEDOM and LIBERTY, and the SACREDNESS and DIGNITY of LIFE in the knowledge of Him Jehovah.

In this regard, the Most High God would have His servant call the attention of His Excellencies to the fact that great sons of the land who have lived and served the land and people are no more. The recent history of post-independent Ghana, Ghana II as we call it, has seen great men, Kwame Nkrumah, J. B. Danquah and K. A. Busia play their parts. But these are no more. There were also soldiers of renown, Michelle, Kotoka, Afrifa, Ankrah, Acheampong, Akuffo, etc. They too are gone and no more.

Then there were great chiefs of the Gold Coast era who also had their day but are no more. Among them were Prempeh II, Ofori-Atta I, Mate Kole I, Tsibu Darko II, Annokwe II, Togbui Sri and Toloa Na. The people loved them and had them in great renown. They virtually worshipped them. Their memories and renown have nevertheless faded away.

The truth behind this is that, it is the Almighty God who decreed and established death. He reigns and rules the world and controls the affairs of nations by the power of His spirit and word. Indeed, He has set and holds the whole world in its ordered place and boundaries by the power of His word. No spirit, no power, no force can displace the holy decree and Set Order of the Most High God.

That means that the election, choosing, resurrection and glory of the New Ghana set in place by the Almighty God will stand for ever glorious in the everlasting Arms and Kingdom of the Most High.

Historically, it is disobedience, idolatory and unfaithfulness, unrighteous, unjust and wicked machinations of men and spirits that conspire together to bring down nations, empires and kingdoms. But none of these things can change and pull down the WORD and THRONE of GOD.

That is to say, the Word and Hand of God the Creator can and will keep the New Ghana in place as chosen nation, Beulah Land, Redeemed and Holy People unto God, Star of Africa. The New Jerusalem of God Kingdom order will stand and prosper whatever the machinations and sabotage of spirits and men. Ghana is holy unto Jehovah God. Hallelujah! Amen!

“For Zion’s sake I will not hold My peace, and for Jerusalem’s sake I will not rest, until her righteousness goes forth as brightness, and her salvation as a lamp that burns. I have set watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem, who shall never hold their peace day or night. You who make mention of the Lord, do not keep silent, and give Him no rest till He establishes and till He makes Jerusalem a praise in the earth.” (Isaiah 62: 1, 6-7)

The Throne of God has been established in the land. The Lord God Jehovah’s abiding presence and moving hand shall be the testimony and glory of Ghana. Ghana shall abide and flourish as a Crown of Glory and a Royal Diadem in the Hand of God the Creator.

Your humble servant seizes this opportunity to humbly appeal to His Excellencies: LET PEACE, RIGHTEOUSNESS and JUSTICE, FREEDOM and LIBERTY and the Sacredness of Life and the Dignity of Man prevail, prosper and flourish in the politics and governance of the land. May His Excellencies lead the political parties and government and nation to honour God so His reign and rule of Ghana bring PEACE, PROSPERITY, and HAPPINESS and not Divine judgement, chaos and desolation to the country. OUR GOD REIGNS!

Let all the people praise Him, the God of Ghana. Him alone will Ghana worship from henceforth unto eternity. Blessed be His name now and forever and ever. Amen!

August 12, 2009

