Opinions of Monday, 17 November 2014

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

An Open Letter to the Ghana, & the Ghanaian International, Media Houses

Dear Media Houses,

I am obliged, subsequent upon my close empirical observation and scrutinizing of the role being played by the Ghanaian media, both at home and abroad, to publish this open letter to you. The media (the means of communication, as radio and television, newspapers, and magazines, that reach or influence people widely), anywhere in the world, have a dutiful obligation to be of service to their people and country. This is a duty incumbent upon them, especially, during the democratic dispensation, and the shaping, of, infant democracies like that of Ghana, for the better.

However, in Ghana, the media seem to be so politicised to have failed in their basic professional duty to the country and to the people. Certain individuals and the government oftentimes see themselves as above the law; they are law unto themselves. They put fear in the people. They commit corruption and other acts of crime with impunity.

Is it not the duty of the media, to concertedly attack such nation-wrecking attitudes? The media, like the proverbial pen which is mightier than the sword, can do a lot to right the ongoing wrongs in the society provided they will realise their basic professional duty to keep to it.

What is the essence of the media and her benefit to the suffering Ghanaian masses if they either choose to connive with the government and certain "Frankenstein's monsters" to ruin the nation, or choose to sit on the fence while a few seeming strong people exploit and abuse the nation's economy and laws?

Had the media lived up to expectation, fulfilling in honest their fearless role to the nation and her people, Ghana would not be in her current economic haplessness, with clueless, incompetent, lawless and corrupt people at her helm of affairs. With all the injurious corruption in perpetration and perpetuation by the government and somebody like Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, it is astonishing to notice that some within the Media house are still supportive of them. What a shameful unprofessional character that is!

Our Court judges in the country are shamefully unprofessional, corrupt and are a total disgrace unto themselves, their families, the nation and the world at large. They are a blemish on the law profession and are comparatively no match for their contemporary White judges in Europe and America.

A Court judge abusing the powers vested in him/her to be truthful and fair in the dispensation of justice can be sacked were the media playing their role professionally, as required of them. In Ghana, it is an open secret that most judges are corrupt. They twist the truth in favour of litigants, who pay them bribes, or they just don't understand the interpretation of the applicable laws in relation to the facts of a case and the available evidence presented to the court. This would not be so if the media took them on.

In London, and on 1st May 2014, it was reported on BBC News UK as following, "Barrister and part-time judge Constance Briscoe has been found guilty of lying to police probing ex-cabinet minister Chris Huhne's speeding points case.

The 56-year-old was accused of lying in the inquiry into Huhne, who got his wife to take speeding points for him. Briscoe had denied at the Old Bailey three counts of intending to pervert the course of justice. She will be sentenced on Friday. Trial judge Mr Justice Baker said a custodial sentence was "almost inevitable". Will a judge in Ghana ever be sentenced, or be relieved of their post for committing such a crime? Surely not! Why, one may ask? Is it not because the media are not up and doing?

A Human Rights Court Judge in Kumasi (Justice Paul K. Richardson) on Friday 17th October 2014, dismissed an application for a judicial review in the nature of Certiorari and Prohibition filed in his court regarding the capricious, prejudiced and corrupt verdict pronounced by Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, on the Kumawu Stool dispute, in his Manhyia Palace, on 24th February 2014.

This judge (Justice Paul K. Richardson) who has demonstrated lack of integrity, inability to comprehend, and miserably failed to apply the laws of admissibility, credibility and acceptability when credible facts and evidence are presented to the court, would have been taken on by the media until he was himself tried and dismissed or sentenced to a jail term if it had happened in the UK, as it was the case of judge Constance Briscoe.

This could all be possible where the media play their role responsibly without any political partisanship, favouritism or fear.

This same self-acclaimed Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent Asante Overlord, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, has instructed and compelled the Kumawu kingmakers to snub another pending court injunction, to enthrone one Dr Yaw Sarfo as Kumawuhene. They have done exactly as they were ordered, and the said Dr Sarfo is now Kumawuhene, although not accepted and recognised by about 99% of Kumawuman citizens.

Asantehene claims there is nobody or any law in Ghana that can prevent him from doing what he wants, or what he determines doing. This is very irresponsible of him. All the crimes he has been committing with impunity have all been possible because the media are not up and doing as they should.

Would I have taken Asantehene's issue with foreign and selected local organizations and personalities if the Ghanaian media had taken him on as one would expect, in the first place?

I will kindly appeal to Ghana Media to take on all those who are flouting the laws of the land to becoming human monsters. Laws do not work in Ghana hence court judges becoming corrupt and delivering absurd judgments with the government and certain individuals like Asantehene audaciously committing crimes with impunity.

The media are partly blameable for all the corruptions going on in the country. They have failed to take the perpetrators head-on.

I hope, from today forward, you will put your act together. You will take on all those committing flagrant crimes as exemplified by Asantehene. Visit YouTube and check "Asantehene involves in corruption", you will be shocked to see how this so-called modern day King Solomon judges cases. It is a complete insult to the memory of the biblical King Solomon to have Asantehene compared to him, looking at his irresponsible way of judging cases brought before him and his Asanteman Council.

Yours Sincerely,

Rockson Adofo