Opinions of Monday, 1 July 2013

Columnist: Kofi Thompson

An edifice built on a sink-hole will disappear without trace

Many of the New Patriotic Party's one-nation silent majority of decent, hard-working and patriotic individuals, who care about the enterprise Ghana as well as their party, are wondering when the expected sea-change in their party will finally occur.

Alas, today, their party has fallen into the hands of a few powerful, smug, too-clever-by-half and mostly amoral individuals.

Their refusal to heed the late J. B. Da Rocha's wise counsel - which implied that there are certain critical moments, when in the interest of Ghana's stability, political parties have to take a long-term view, and put the nation's interest ahead of seeking short-term party political advantage - has ended up tearing the very soul of their party apart.

It is so unfortunate that those strident, high-handed rank-amateurs, failed the decent and gentlemanly Nana Addo Danqauh Akufo-Addo, so miserably, when he stood the best chance of winning the presidency in December 2012.

Having brow-beaten, threatened and insulted all the well-meaning individuals who tried to warn them of the impending doom facing them, members of the arrogant and ruthless clique - which now has such an iron grip on the levers of power in the New Patriotic Party (NPP), and whose insufferable arrogance made them ignore sane advice from many quarters, and went ahead to build their castle-of-impossible-dreams on a sinkhole - are now apparently the only ones in their party, who are still unaware that their clique is about to disappear without trace. Pity.