Opinions of Friday, 21 April 2017

Columnist: Akyena Brantuo Benjamin

'An eye for an eye will make the world blind'

Akyena Brantuo Benjamin Akyena Brantuo Benjamin

Always meet an evil situation with twice as much good until that evil is completely overwhelmed and annihilated. '

So for instance, confront your wife's unfaithfulness not by starting your own line of infidelity. Two wrongs don't make a right. Rather shift your faithfulness into a higher gear until your wife cannot just stand her dirt in an environment of cleanliness which you have created.

Look at it closely, anytime one enters a very dirty compound, they are more inclined to add their own dirt without a guilt. The environment calls for it. Yet most of us refrain from littering a clean environment.

We must let good rule by diluting any evil concentrate with more goodness.

We should not allow the world and the devil to entice or provoke us into doing our own evil in response to the failings of others. They wish they could be like us.

Instead, we should show the world the way of God which is the way of Gold. That shines ever brighter even in fire until it's power turns fire into sooth

Similarly, we must quash the power of evil with our goodness.

In all we do our example is God.

Bible says while we were yet sinners Christ died for us.

Through his death, many children of righteousness have been birthed.

We must not relevant in converting our unfaithful wives, difficult friends and unloving colleagues with righteousness until the light in us shines out the dark environment around us.