Opinions of Saturday, 23 September 2006

Columnist: Kufuor, Appiah Danquah

Anane must resign


Folks are you not proud to be Ghanaian? Are we not getting there? Is our democratic institutions on course for a bronze medal? I think we are on course. The commendations and report by CHRAJ is a clear, visible and concrete sign that our country is gradually marching towards the promise land. A land where sitting Ministers can be found to have “liable for perjury(a criminal offence) , abuse of office and conflict of interest is a country where I am bloody proud of

Well done CHRAJ, in my opinion the CHRAJ report has got sod all to do with Mac Manu and the NPP. The NPP does not belong to one person it is broad church where diverse views, backgrounds, beliefs are tolerated. The Party must not get itself involved in individual cases. NPP, please stay out of this.

Anane just happens to be a Minister of State at a particular time in the history of the party. He was appointed by the President and can be relieved of his post by the President if he so wishes. In this instance, the President does not need to do anything- Anane must hand in his letter of resignation to the President , thanking him for offering him the opportunity to serve his country.

Anane is a talented young man and his services will definitely be needed in the future by the country and party. Mac Manu’s comments of “we have to do some consultations, seek legal advice , and a whole lot is extremely unfortunate. Ghana under President Kufuor is fast becoming the place to be if you want to live in Africa and enjoy a “free and peaceful environment”.

Let us be clear about one thing. Richard was a superb Minister and an effective administrator. He was loved by his team and all the staff at the Ministry of Roads. However, the report has got sod all to do with Anane effectiveness as a Minister, his standing in the party or Government. Neither has it got anything to do with his relationships with the incumbent.

Simply, this report is about an individual member of government not against the government. The greatest legacy that this President intends to leave Ghana is a country where we are all equal before the law. It is tough, but on my word he is trying.

Richard, this President has been loyal to a fault with you. He stood by you during the hard times, he has acted as a mentor and a friend please spare him and all of us this fuss and this legal tosh.

Richard for the sake of all your friends, family and loved ones resign honourably or give the President no choice.

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