Opinions of Thursday, 22 March 2007

Columnist: Bolus, Mercy Adede

Are Ghanaians well informed about the NHIS?

The introduction of the new National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) could not have come at this prime time. The health of a nation is equivalent to the economic status significance of that country. This is certainly, one of the brilliant ideas, which this government have implemented.

On the other hand, are the general public been well informed and given detailed information leaflets about NHIS as they register or only given certificates as they pay for membership?

It appears certificate are issues without information in majority of cases. In some instances general public have paid membership fees but have not been issued with the information as to the benefits the membership details.

The marketing of the NHIS have gone down well and everyone one need the necessary information to re-enforce the message to the public. However, the promotional mix needs to be applied to ensure its effectivenss. Radio, Prime time TV advert, sale promotions, lots of PR etc. This strategy would motivate the public to also cascade and market the ideas to relations who are illiterate. Translating the NHIS to other local languages other than English would enhance it promotion. It would be better to come down to the knowledge of the majority of our people not just some segment population.

One hopes the distribution of the leaflets showing the benefits the general public is entitled with their payment would be through our post offices and others places cinemas etc. This would create easy access for everyone.

Ghana might be the first African country to strategically think of health benefits to its general population in the way. Well done! And as such, one of the greatest achievements we have ever enjoyed and proud of sharing a quality of life throughout our nation, having registered as a NHIS membership. Hope all our general hospitals, health centres and polyclinics would be now be well equipped to provide a standard of care universally, which would be acceptable to the nation.

Finally, I want to congratulate the government on this initiative. Well done, to the department of Health as well as to all who contributed towards the introduction of the NHIS.

These sort of intiatives does certainly differentiate Ghana and more importantly makes Ghana proud and mature @50.

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