Opinions of Sunday, 3 October 2010

Columnist: The Emperor

Are We Ghanaians Stupefied And Wicked?

For those of you living in the United States, the name Tavis Smiley should sound familiar. For the past five years, Tavis Smiley has been hosting the State of the Black Union. This event is held annually. Its purpose is to bring to the forefront the socio-economic challenges facing African-Americans. On each one of these occasions, prominent Black intellectuals, civil right activists, politicians, professors, and entrepreneurs are invited. Together with the audience, these prominent invitees on the panel kick the door wide open. Nobody is censored. Any issue which needs addressing is addressed. Nothing is swept under the carpet. In fact, this event has proven to be such a success that people who attend cannot wait for the next. It appears that, all of a sudden, Black people in America have found a platform on which to voice out their anger, frustrations, discontent, and concerns. For once, White America is being forced to listen to what Black America has to say in public.

On each one of these events, Tavis Smiley poses a very interesting question. The question of; how well do we hold our politicians accountable? Because, mind you, governance of the people without accountability to the people equals to dictatorship. Dictatorship, as we all know, isn’t of the people, and therefore could never be in the people’s interests. In Ghana, for instance, our politics doesn’t revolve around the people. It doesn’t highlight the concerns of the poor and the underprivileged amongst us. Hence, the absence of job creation and social welfare. It doesn’t highlight the need for city/town planning. It doesn’t highlight the need for civility and order. It doesn’t highlight the need for partisan cohesion, let alone cooperation. To tell the truth, the country isn’t working because of its decrepit and divisive political system. Which, by the way, has become a breeding ground for dishonest men and women.

But then again, who is to blame for the failure in our politics? Who is to blame for our decrepit political system? Who is to blame when our politicians fail to account to the people? For forty-four years, we have been producing nothing but useless politicians. Politicians who have failed us miserably. Politicians who have made it financially impossible for we Ghanaians to live in our own country in comfort. As a result, most of us have been reduced to slaves on foreign shores, lonely, jerking off to porn, or rubbing our beds with our dicks at night. Politicians who have forgotten that wealth creation is the same as the equal sharing of wealth. Politicians who don’t feel the need to account to anybody. Simply because; they don’t give a damn about anybody. Politicians who continue to borrow because all that they seem to know is how to manage wealth poorly. Sadly, we, as a people, have been sitting down instead of standing up to them. For forty-four years, we have been tolerating their bullshit. It is as if we have been stupefied. So, folks, are we Ghanaians stupefied?

For instance; when they give the jobs, which our children could do, to foreigners--we just look on unconcerned. We might talk about it, but not for long. When they squander our monies, we just talk about it. All that we seem to do is just talk, engage in idle banter, and whine like little children, whilst the country continues to retrogress right in front of our very eyes. Sometimes, I feel that we Ghanaians like the way that things are in the country. Hence, our unwillingness to demand accountability from our politicians, let alone from ourselves. As a patriot, I would be damned to see this country go down the drain. So, what I am suggesting is; let’s have an annual televised event. Something similar to what Tavis Smiley is doing with his State of the Black Union event in America. Let’s start talking. Folks, let’s try to find out why this country isn’t working. And, why? I know that some of us would blame our wicked leaders. My question is; what is it about us, as a people, that we continue to be led by wicked and stupefied leaders? Better yet, are we, as a people, any different from those whom we choose to lead us? Remember, when Hitler was persecuting the Jews, the Germans didn’t do a thing to help them. And we all know why.

To see Tavis Smiley: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ULAThBZKiM

Welcome 2 the Dawn!


The Emperor