Opinions of Saturday, 29 December 2012

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Are the NDC and the EC purporting God is a Liar?

Are the NDC and the Electoral Commissioner purporting God Almighty is a Liar?

Whatever God has said, promised, and intends doing shall come to pass according as planned or determined. It is therefore very true when the bible says, "Man proposes but God disposes"

From most prophetic revelations via dreams, trance, intuition and situational circumstances, God had decreed the egression of the National Democratic Party and government from power. However, the NDC party and government in their resolute determination to prove God a liar, resorted to several foul means before, during, and after the December 7, 2012 general elections, to appropriate the winning verdict to themselves. They did not only condone and connive with the septuagenarian Dr. Kwadwo Afari-Gyan to implement policies favourable to their cause of rigging the elections but also, abusively used incumbency, State money and machineries to their advantage.

Upon all the baseless negative campaign advertisement the clueless policy or issues-deficient NDC party and government relentlessly embarked on to making a mockery of Nana Akuffo-Addo's electrifying Free SHS education policy, they had in the end to massage the results of the election. It is a shame for them to have done that in an attempt to steal the people's popular vote and verdict.

God is about to prove to the citizenries of Ghana and the whole world that He had in no way ordained John Dramani Mahama the President of Ghana. As the Biblical John the Baptist preceded Jesus Christ only to prepare the way for him, so was Mahama for Nana Addo. Why has the slave son become the promised son by deception, stealth and charlatanry? Will God accept the situation where the NDC with the questionable assistance by Kwadwo Afari-Gyan usurp the throne from whom he had designated? From human point of view and that of God, I shall say no way. As patriarch Abraham chased out Ishmael, the son of Hagar, for Isaac the promised son of Sarah, to take over the father's possessions, so shall Mahama the opportunist face similar fate?

The truth will out when the NPP effects the arraignment of the Chairman of the Electoral Commission, Dr. Kwadwo Afari-Gyan before the Supreme Court to answer for questions pertaining to the perceived or alleged election malpractices and fraud, and the concomitant dubious declaration of winning verdict for John Dramani Mahama.

God revealed through one Kofi Basoah of Asante-Juaben that Nana Akuffo-Addo would win the election about two weeks before the elections. Kofi Basoah's dreams never fail but come exactly as dreamt. The only condition attached was the request to the NPP to be resolute in fighting for justice over the eventual declaration of false election results or verdict. As some people jokingly say, "If you don't go to Heaven don't blame Jesus". In Kofi Basoah's dream, the invincible audible voice clearly stipulated how the NPP and the good people of Ghana can achieve their goal of seeing Nana Akuffo-Addo the President of Ghana. All that the NPP and the good people of Ghana need is to remain RESOLUTE in their determined quest for JUSTICE to prevail. They need to fulfill that unique condition as placed. Is this condition?difficult to fulfill?

Do as God requested of the Israelites regarding the destruction of the wall of Jericho. Hebrews 11:10 – "It was by faith that the people of Israel marched around Jericho for seven days, and the walls came crashing down". Should the NPP and the good people of Ghana stay resolute, John Mahama will scuttle away from the helm of Ghana affairs like a frightened dog with its tail tucked in-between its legs.

There was another young mother of three in Kumawu, who also claims her dreams never fail but materialise exactly as unfolded in her dream. She had two dreams in which Nana Dankwah Akuffo-Addo had won the 2012 elections. Her husband, who is a staunch NDC supporter, kicked her out of their marital home because of her dreams that were in favour of the candidate of the political camp for which he has a great aversion. This husband who though supports NDC with all his heart, soul and mind, is unfortunately not one of the lucky ones that benefit from the party based on their unflinching support for the party. He had in no way benefited from the NDC unlike those getting free cars, motorbikes, bicycles, money nor house. He is just an aimless simpleton following the NDC like a headless chicken. I tried to locate the man to talk sense into his senseless head but in vain. Someone informed me he relates to one NDC fanatic called Afua Minka from Kumawu-Etia.

From these unfailing dreams, do you think Afari-Gyan will have it easy before God? He will be disgraced in court and summoned before his Creator to account for his disservice and distrust to the people of Ghana and God.

I have a word of admonition or caution for any judge who will sit on the case to determine who actually won the presidential election 2012 - John Mahama or Akuffo-Addo. They should honestly establish if the elections were rigged or not, then deliver a just judgment.

"Why did God kill Ananias and Sapphira as in Acts of Apostles chapter 5? It is all because they lied to Him. Will the Supreme Court Judges impanelled to sit of Election 2012 fraud case lie? If they lie, they do so at their own peril and may eventually suffer same consequences as Ananias and Sapphira.

Justice will declare Nana Akuffo-Addo the eventual winner of election 2012 despite the insane declaration hurriedly made by Dr. Kwadwo Afari-Gyan in favour of John Dramani Mahama.

Please DJ Sources play Peter Tosh's "Equal Rights" song several times on air for me. It is a revealed effective weapon by God for overturning the election 2012 verdict in favour of Nana Dankwah Akuffo-Addo, alias "Obuggie". The lyrics of this song will sensitize Ghanaians to both the emotional and factual needs of Justice and how within the prevalence of justice humanity can attain real peace.

Rockson Adofo
