Opinions of Thursday, 29 April 2010

Columnist: Fosu, John

Asantehene Declares his Position on Kumawu Chieftaincy Dispute

The entirety of Kumawuman was thrown into a spontaneous hilarious celebration on the evening of Thursday, 22nd April 2010. It was the day that the Asantehene, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, finally took a bold positive decision on the ostensibly tortuous Kumawuman chieftaincy dispute brought before him immediately after the death of Barima Asumadu Sakyi II, the paramount chief of Kumawuman, in 2007. I am happy for Asantehene to have finally realised the importance of God’s predetermination to liberate the suffering Kumawuman citizens from the hopeless and wicked traditional administration overseen by the “supposed” Ankaase royals. The Asantehene after unnecessarily dilly-dallying, came to the final conclusion that the truth must be allowed to take its course without any further delay or obstruction as contrary hoped for by Kumawuhemaa and her Ankaase royals. Kumawuhemaa has always been of the opinion that her licentious relationship with Asantehene as much hyped up was going to turn the cards in her favour. Contrary to her expectation but in conformity with God's requirement as much written about, the Ananangyas have regained their lost throne.

Kumawuhemaa as insolent, greedy, selfish and wicked as she has always been, had sought through one infamous Abenaa Wurukye from the “Adomako Pim” family to continue to rob the true and only paramount royals of Kumawuman, the “Ananangyas”, of their royalty. Wurukye in a vain endeavour to assist the Kumawuhemaa and her Ankaase royals hold on perpetually to the occupation of the Kumawu paramount throne, had asserted on oath before Otumfuo Osei Tutu II that she, Wurukye, is or was the bona fide owner of the Kumawu paramount throne. Consequent upon being the sole proprietress of the throne, she alleges to have parted with it to the sitting Kumawuhemaa and in that sense, to the Ankaase royal family. This false proclamation tantamount to an abomination was made by Abenaa Wurukye on invocation of the “Asantehene’s Great Oath" She invoked the oath on the Ananangyas/Odumases in an attempt to buttress her contention right in front of the sitting Asantehene, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, at the Asanteman Council. On oath, she had accused both the Ananangyas/Odumases on one side and the Kumawuhemaa with her Ankaase family on another as pretenders to the Kumawu paramount throne. She accused both parties of being the proverbial two bush fowls fighting over what they perceive as spoils from, and within someone’s farm – “Akokohwede mmienu nkoko obi afuo ase”. While she was instantaneously counteracted with the invocation of same oath by the Head of the Ananangya royal family Nana Nti Kwakye, the Kumawuhemaa sat right there agape, doing nothing but as though lost of memory and oblivious of the ongoing event. Was she as an Alice in Wonderland? In the secret vault of her heart, she was applauding Abenaa Wurukye, giving her a silent nod of approval and goading her on. Otumfuo Osei Tutu II for a reason or the other tried to make Kumawuhemaa conscious of the implications of Wurukye's allegation and had expected her to react to it. He said and I quote, "Do you understand what the woman is saying? She says the throne that you occupy is hers and that she gave it to you. This goes to tell that the very day she is found guilty after unsuccessfully contesting the Ananangyas, you will as well be a goner as she". Kumawuhemaa still refused to challenge Wurukye on oath but stupidly said, "Se wo di fo a me ara me ka mmasem" – "I will argue defensively for myself in the event of Wurukye being found guilty" What a nutter?

Wurukye in connivance with Kumawuhemaa and other Ankaase royals deceivingly dragged on the hearing of the case. If Wurukye was not suffering from a stomach bug, it was one of her principal witnesses that had lost a member of their family or was attending the hospital. They unceasingly used these flimsy excuses in the hope of ever depriving the Ananangyas/Odumases of their throne as each time it did happen, the hearing of the case was deferred to a later date. In the end, after she had exhausted all possible avenues open to her, the long rope had become so short and formed a noose around her neck. When she was pronounced guilty a few weeks back, she challenged the verdict and opted for the audiovisual recordings of the case to be reviewed. To give her the benefit of the doubt, Asantehene appointed a panel of twenty eight chiefs and invited Wurukye and the Ananangyas/Odumases to come with all their supporters to attend the viewing of the recorded sittings on the case. The recorded tapes were reviewed on Monday 19th April 2010 to 21st April 2010.

Asantehene sat in state to pronounce judgment on Thursday, 22nd April 2010. He first allowed all the twenty eight chiefs to cast their individual votes in support of either Wurukye or the Ananangyas/Odumases depending on how truthful and convincing they find the narration of each contesting party's story. None of the twenty eight chiefs did cast their vote for Wurukye. All their votes went to the Ananangyas. Each chief would briefly explain why he was voting in favour of the Ananangyas/Odumases referring and citing parts of the video recordings to support their claim. Wurukye was not only found guilty by the chiefs but also by Otumfuo Osei Tutu II. The Asantehene then declared without mincing words, "If we are talking about the real matrilineal descendants of Barima Tweneboa Kodua, the true occupants of the Kumawu throne, they are none other than the Ananangyas. So the Ananangya royals should proceed to Kumawu, choose their candidate, allow him to swear to Kumawuman and then bring him to swear before me".

The Kumawu case has been resolved according as wished by God, by the suffering masses of Kumawuman, and by the Ananangyas/Odumases. Many were those that insulted me for serving as a vessel of God by revealing His intentions and directions on the Kumawuman chieftaincy affairs well ahead of time. Now I stand vindicated. I had always said that God Himself has chosen a particular royal from the Ananangya royal family to be enthroned as the paramount chief of Kumawuman. He is the one in whom God is well pleased. God has also decided to remove the Ankaase royals from ever ascending the Kumawu Kodua Stool. They are never the true royals but are very diabolical usurpers.

My late father and mother of blessed memory used to say, "Se wo hwe obi ade so yie a eka wo nkyen". In literal translation, "Should you take good care of anything entrusted to you by anyone; you will end up becoming its permanent owner". To expound on this, the person whomever the thing in discussion belongs to would never dare take it away from you as he/she is always confident of the safety of that property as long as it remains under your care, you being a trustworthy person. The Ankaase royals as usurpers rather believed in trickery to keeping the throne for good. They did not only mistreat the Ananangyas and the Odumases but used juju to kill or render their males insane. Kofi Ahenkan is living evidence of how wicked the Ankaase royals are. What about his late mother Nana Afua Sarpong, the most beautiful queen Kumawuman has ever had?

Now that the die is cast and there is no turning back, the Ananangyas will install the God's chosen one from within their lot as chief within weeks. He is the person of (name withheld for the time being) and will bear the stool name Barima Tweneboa Kodua VI. The Ananangyas have got their Kodua Stool back for good. Stay tuned to read how Kumawuhemaa fled to Canada about three weeks ago when she did realise for the first time that the tide was moving against her. She had all along been deceiving herself. Is she not her own worst enemy? Oh greediness, how far have you taken Kumawuhemaa into the depths of the Great Ocean of the Bermuda Triangle?

John Fosu