Opinions of Thursday, 4 March 2010

Columnist: Prah, Prince

Atta Mills: Face Of A Failure

I wonder what is wrong with our President, whether he has some kind of inferiority complex about his position, because it is strange that a man who has been elected as President, and who has been duly sworn in as President, would keep going on with claims that he is the President of Ghana.

Of course Professor Atta Mills is the President of Ghana, and the sooner he came to realize that, the better it would be for all of us.

He should stop constantly telling us that he is the President, because if he is still dreaming about his Presidency, the rest of us are not.

We have to live with his Presidency every day, and it is painful, to say the least.

I find it painful, for instance, that the President would tell us that this country is being governed by laws, at a time that the laws are being so abused in our country.

Since this professor of law became the President of this our country, he has said umpteen times that he is committed to the rule of law.

Yet, with amazing and monotonous regularity, the courts of our land have been canceling the actions of our President for being illegal. For a man who believes in constitutionality, it seems that our President has a special and deep dislike for behaving in lawful manner, and this is painful.

It is also painful the way and manner our President keeps on portraying himself as a victim of others.

Our Commander In Chief says that he is being forced to take decisions that are not in the national interest, and he would not be cowed. I wonder who is threatening our President to the level that he has come out in protestation.

I have my own suspicions, and I know you do too, because all of you have been listening to the baying from Ridge.

But is it not strange that the President would tell us that his doors are always open to listen to all his critics, at a time when his close political associates are screaming to the high heavens that he has not been listening to them? If Atta were indeed a listening President, I do not think that Rawlings, Bagbin and co would have come out to state that the President had surrounded himself with sycophants and greedy bastards who have formed a complete bracket around him, totally shielding him from all access by others.

But for me, the most sorrowful aspect of the President’s pronouncements was his claim that plans were far advanced to improve the lot of Ghanaians.

My brothers and sisters, we are in the first year of the Atta Mills Presidency, but already he has presented his first two budgets and so far we have no reason to hope.

Indeed, if the President had any plans, I am sure that he would have rolled them out as soon as he got into office, and not two yeas after, which leaves me with the firm conclusion that the President has no plans to better the lot of Ghanaians.

I am sorry to state that so far, it is clear that the future is bleak for Ghanaians, and they are not going to be comforted by new and empty promises of future prosperity!

Atta Mills is indeed a failure!

Source: prahprince-prince.blogspot.com