Opinions of Sunday, 2 May 2010

Columnist: Transient Justice

Atta Mills: There is No Change in our pockets or lives

When Dr. Atta Mess, I mean Mills, was coming to power he ran on the idea and concept of change .He told the common man that he was going to put change in his pockets and, give him a better life. Almost 2 years have gone by and, everyone who has the most basic mental faculties has realized that the NDC is the most corrupt government we have ever had.

In Under 2 years, we have had the likes of Muntaka who takes Per diem while traveling within the country. We have had the likes of Carl Wilson who steals people cars changes a few things and, sells it to party men. We have had the likes of Felix Twumasi-Appiah, who basically steals gold enrich himself. We have had Mahama Ayariga who purchases tractors at a reduced rate and, charges farmers to use what should have been free. We have had the likes of Alfred Vanderpuije, a criminal, who is collecting a salary from the Ghanaian government while being a US Citizen. We have had people like Konadu Rawlings who stole so much money in the 1990’s and, has now been put in a position of responsibility. WE have the fact that 3.5 million dollars was donated by corrupt Nigerian Rotimi Chibuike Amaechi to fund the NDC campaign. This is against the laws of Ghana but there has been no investigation. We have had people calling themselves NDC youth destroy state property in the name of protesting (which sensible person destroys limited resources in the name of protest?)We have NDC men stealing cocoa spray in the Ashanti region and, depriving farmers of doing their job. We have had the NDC chasing after poor farmers in the western region instead of PAYING THEM the wage they would get if they were Ivorian as a means to stop smuggling! We have had an increase in pornographic films were people are performing all manner of filthy stuff and, promoting it as “Ghanaian” movies. Worst of all we have no change in our pockets!

Atta Mills told us he was going to bring change but, all he did was take the change(small money) OUT of our pockets. Now, our pockets are dry beyond belief. We are eating less and; there is no Ecomini just a Ekom di mi. In 2 years the average income for the average Ghanaian has dropped by 10-20 percent. On top of that, the electricity situation is egregious. There is no light. Thus, we are living in darkness while mosquito’s bite our babies. How can one think about a better day when it they can’t see anything and, it is so hot? After all, no electricity, no fan! ON top of that, there is no water. Looking at the corruption above how can one sit by idly while they are dehydrating to death with no Electric power?

Sadly, if your only problems under this corrupt administration are electricity and, water then, you are doing well. Some people are living in mud huts, while herdsmen shoot and kill their babies. On top of that mosquitos are killing their babies and, they are working 20 hours a day and, still not making it. These people are not living in the gutter but, UNDER THE GUTTER. A life time of misery created by the corrupt non performing government of “Dr.” Ekomini is their wretched lot.

Enough of this change by Dr. Atta Mess. WE want real change. Fix the hospitals (add more beds and, fix the broken equipment), Fix the electricity, Fix the water, Stop stealing, Investigate corrupt people WITHIN your party(After all, you claim to be a Christian thus, follow the Christ like ideology of PICKING the speck out of your own eye), Pay Cocoa Farmers more than their Ivorian counter parts, clean the dirty country, and lastly PUT CHANGE IN OUR POCKETS!