Opinions of Saturday, 14 June 2008

Columnist: Mensah, Humphrey Tettey

Atta-Mills Will Govern With Integrity

One of the important elements of integrity is consistency-if we are unpredictable, if our decisions are independent upon the day of the week, and the way we are feeling, others are unlikely to see us maintaining integrity. The NPP is not consistent, they always lied to the electorates and they cannot be trusted. Nana Akuffo Addo said that he will tackle corruption vigorously but we all know that it is just a window dressing (se agoro besor efre anorpa). LIAR… LIAR… LIAR…VOTE ATTA-MILLS FOR BETTER GHANA.

The NPP promised Ghanaians 100,000 jobs in three months in office- they never delivered, Their Ministers are rather filling their pockets like there is no tomorrow. Unemployment rate is in the remarkable swell in unemployment under the NPP Government and adding salt to injury by getting one million unemployed persons to queue in the sweltering sun for days to register for jobs which have not materialized 4 years after the registration.

Wealth accretion, as NPP Ministers, members, supporters and hangers-on amassing so much wealth so that even the NPP Brong Ahafo Regional Minister Ernest Debrah was forced to complain that his party members were amassing wealth as if the Party was about to lose power.They have deceived Ghanaians. Akuffo-Addo and the NPP cannot be trusted because of their stealing record. Akuffo-Addo is continuing where President Kufour and Alhaji Moctar left off. In case you forget, let me remind you of the visa-racketeering scandal at the Presidency involving the former Deputy Minister for Presidential Affairs Moctar Musa Bamba, the Austrian visa scandal at the Abidjan office of the Austrian Embassy involving an NPP MP, the Mariama Tula/Sulemana Jeremiah visa scandal involving the fired National Security Minister Francis Poku, and the Australian visa scandal involving President Kufuor and Yaw Nkansah.We know them and their tricks. The disgraced Jake Obetsebi- Lamptey announced the 2004 results instead of electoral commission, what an infamy. Akuffo Addo is part of a illegal government and he should not be taken serious because he belong to a government which the results of the election is not gazatted, good governance indeed. REJECT THE NPP. VOTE ATTA-MILLS AND THE NDC……and they will restore hope…YES THEY CAN

The NPP promised zero tolerance for corruption but they are the most corrupt political party in the world. Zero Tolerance for Criticism, the NPP Government's intolerance for criticism, which dictates its policy of concocted stories against any critic of the regime, using such stooges as the Auditor-General Edward Dua-Agyemang and the Director of CID, David Appeatu. Jailing of former Ministers, but refused to jail their Ministers with the same type of so-called offence even worse.

The NPP promised equal sharing of the national cake but they practice nepotism. President Kufuor who is so afraid of people from other ethnic groups that he sees Ashantis as the only trustworthy persons he can appoint to the most vital and rewarding positions of trust and buoyancy in Government, with the result that his Minister for Presidential Affairs, Kwadwo Mpiani, is an Ashanti, his Minister for National Security, Francis Poku, is an Ashanti, his Minister of Defence, Mr. , Albert Kan-Dapaah , is an Ashanti, his Minister of Interior, Dr. Addo-Kufour, his brother, is an Ashanti, his Minister of Finance and Economic Planning, Kwadwo Baah-Wiredu, is an Ashanti, his Minister of Road Transport, Dr. Richard Anane, is an Ashanti, and his former Minister of Trade, Industry and Private Sector Initiatives and his choice of presidency, Alan Kyeremanteng, is an Ashanti. Kuffour has done it again by appointing his brother after losing the presidential bid as minister for interior. What a shame. VOTE THIS NPP OUT FOR A BETTER GHANA.

The NPP has been eroded by failure of government to honor its promises, rise in poverty, the energy crises, water shortage, armed robbers terrorizing people, large army unemployed youths which the NPP led government has failed to create jobs, as in President Kufuor nepotically appointing his brother as Minister of Interior, his brother-in-law J.H. Mensah as Senior Minister, his nephew-in-law as Secretary to the President, another nephew-in-law as Deputy Minister of Finance and Economic Planning, his brother as Ambassador and his niece also as Ambassador. Corruption is NPP’s first name. His son is a majority shareholder of GIA after they collapse Ghana Airways, Road Transport Minister Dr. Richard Anane transferring US$100,000 to his American concubine whom he has a child with and alleging that the monies were paid by friends without his knowledge is ridiculous and taking the electorates for granted. Professor Mills will deliver Ghanaians form the shadow of evil and callous NPP, from filth, poverty and diseases… YES HE CAN……

The NPP FRAUD –Osafo Maafo China loan scandal, signature forgery, as in former NPP Deputy Minister for Presidential Affairs Moctar Musa Bamba abetting the forgery of letters of fake Government Guarantees for loans for foreign private investors.Texas loan scandal meant for estates scandal, bloating of the voters register, The vice president’s son busted for gold scam, don’t forget about the Hotel Kufour scandal, Kufour’s son is also a criminal. VOTE NDC FOR BETTER GHANA.

Leading with integrity means doing what you say you will do and I can assure you that Professor Mills will definitely walk the talk, integrity is Atta-Mills middle name so readers be rest assured. Many leaders get themselves into trouble by making commitments off the cuff and then not following through on those commitments and I know for a fact that Akuffo Addo and the NPP has failed Ghanaians and will fail Ghanaians again if voted again into power. REJECT NPP FOR THEY ARE TREACHEOUS If you are careful of what you say, you will increase your integrity with your followers simply because you won't have to back out of commitments you made with out thinking and I know Atta-Mills and the NDC will be committed to their words. When you do make commitments make sure they are tied to realistic timeframes. The NPP made unrealistic promises just to win an election, SHAME ON THEM (ONYAME EHOWOOO).

Sometimes leading with integrity means going through with something to keep your word even when you would rather not. Not keeping your word will often hurt you much more than any inconvenience that is caused by keeping your word. If you ever have to go back on a promise, don't hide it under the rug. Take the time to apologize to the people you made the promise to. Apologize and try to come up with some way to work things out even if you can't make the original commitment. Professor MILLS WILL BE ACCOUNTABLE FOR HIS WORDS. YES HE WILL….VOTE ATTA-MILL FOR A BETTER GHANA.

Another important part of leading with integrity is delegating responsibility. Many leaders fail by delegating responsibility and then taking back over when their delegate does something they don't want. PROFESSOR MILLS and the NDC believe in collaboration unlike the NPP. We all know that Kufour never delegate power, he travels every two weeks. The vice president never travels outside Ghana. When you delegate you need to be willing to part with the responsibility. If your delegate does something differently than you, you need to support their decision. That doesn't mean you can't steer them in a different direction, but always support their decision whenever possible. If you delegate responsibility and then pull it back, you will decorticate your followers and make it difficult to delegate other items in the future. We all can testify that Professor recently delegated his able running mate Hon. John Dramani Mahama to represent him at the energy debate in Kumasi. Yes that is a real leader. The NPP has a way of doing unscrupulous things, Akuffo Addo came to the United States with large entourage, guess what, each person paid him 20,000 dollars each just to get to the States and stay illegally. What a shame.

Leading with integrity is avoiding the shortcuts that many leaders take. By avoiding shortcuts you can build a strong foundation that will intensify your leadership skills as you develop trust with your team. YES PROFESSOR MILLS WILL AVOID ALL THE SHORTCUTS. YES HE CAN……….YES HE CAN……….HE IS BEEN TESTED. NPP Government that is greedily grabbing as much money as it can lay hands on and stealing as much money from the national coffers and they are witch-hunting. Atta-Mills will not witch-hunt, he will rather use this limited time to develop the country infrastructure, schools, affordable healthcare system, and good economy, eradicate common diseases, and provide good drinking water and will give Ghanaians hope and restore pride.

Leading with integrity is one of the great challenges of leadership. We often hear those phrases like “walk the talk” and “lead by example.” Unfortunately, you can’t just lead by cliché. You really have to “put your money where your mouth is,” as the saying goes. The NPP with their leader Akuffo Addo doesn’t have what it takes to govern Ghana with decency. (OGA KUFOUR AND THE NPP DE CHOP WANNA MONEY NYAFU NYAFU).

There is a theory of leadership known as “servant leadership.” I like the term “custodial leadership.” It means striving to be the best caretaker, the best guardian, and the best keeper and protector you can be for those you lead. Atta-Mills has what it takes. Servant leaders, or custodial leaders, govern with integrity. It comes from intrinsic core values and a cognizant choice of service over self-interest. YES ATTA-MILLS HAS THESE QUALITIES. He will govern the Country selflessly and with decency. YES HE CAN….. YES HE CAN……….. Money-laundering is another canker, as President’s Kufour’s mistress Giselle Yazji's indicated that the Hotel the waa waa belongs to Kufour and also that the opening of a Kuwaiti offshore Bank with Ghanaian interest is to make possible for President Kufuor and his family decontaminate the monies that they have collected as bribes and from the offshore companies they have established.

Setting Down Principle is a key when confronted with challenging situation, the first step is to determine what the principles and Akuffo-Addo of the NPP does not have what it takes this is why I support the NDC and Professor Mills because I believe you’ll all agree with me that he is a man of integrity and principle. He will govern Ghana with truth…. YES HE WILL…. YES HE CAN……YES HE CAN….The NPP Has been tested in that effect and proved beyond reasonable doubt that they are not principled which a key in leadership. Let me remind you about kume preko demonstration led by Akuffo-Addo, the NPP demonstrated for the mere fact that the NDC has increased petro to 4,600 a gallon and these liars promised Ghanaians that they will not increase petrol and now what do we see, how much is petro? I remember vividly one week to the 2000 election at Accra-Mamprobi Indafa Park, the last rally for the NPP, Hon. J.H. Mensah raised one gallon of petro and asked the public if it is fair for the NDC to sell petro at that price. Now petro is 58,000. Oh my God. NPP IS DECEIVING GHANAIANS…..YES THEY CAN….. YES THEY WILL….. Please don’t trust the NPP. Atta-Mills will not promise virtue and practice vice. As a matter of principle, when NPP won the 2000 election, Professor Mills and the NDC accepted the outcome of the results in good faith, but when the NPP lost the 2004 election they find a way to stay in power. NPP CAN NOT BE TRUSTED.

According to the Bible, Nehemiah shares out the work involved with rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem-but is prepared to be honest and open with the people when they have Demonstrated trust in others, but is prepared to speak the truth in love so that they can grow in faith. Atta-Mills and the NDC will invest time to share responsibility with others so that they can grow. Atta-Mills and the NDC will definitely rebuild the motherland Ghana. Professor Mills has been perpetuating the fact that he will run the country with open, honest, and transparency and I will say YES HE WILL. VOTE PROFESSOR ATTA-MILL AND THE NDC FOR A BETTER GHANA.



