Opinions of Wednesday, 31 July 2002

Columnist: Wiredu-Mensah, Kwame


When it comes to the development and building of a nation, almost everybody looks unto the Government. But, is it the best idea so far? Can we as individuals join hands in a positive way to help in the building and development of our country?

Seeing to protecting and seeking the welfare of citizens may be the responsibility of the government but your idea can go a long way to help get something better for Ghana even if not protecting citizens. All evidence proves that there are many brainy Ghanaians abroad who are willing to use their brains to offer something good for Ghana.

Now, with the launching of the Ghana Skill Bank in Washington, DC, the US based human resources could be tapped. It would be in the interest of Ghana if we could make our ideas available to the service of the nation. To support this idea, the Pan-African Foundation in partnership with the Ghana Embassy is holding the first ever round table discussion in the premises of the Embassy of Ghana in DC. The theme of this important meeting is "BUILDING A BETTER GHANA". It is all about thinking, brainstorming and discussing issues concerning Ghana's development. This is opened to every Ghanaian who can make it to Washington DC on the August 3, 2002. Really, the president of the Pan-African Foundation is inviting all Ghanaians to attend this important discussion. One thing we should bear in mind is that, supporting a worthy course is a blessing, and more importantly when it is about an entire nation. This is the time for us to come out with valuable ideas and suggestions. Let us join His Exc. Alan Kyeremateng, Ghana's ambassador to USA, Mr. Emmanuel Ofori, President of Pan-African Foundation, Dr. Frimpong, Director of Sickle Cell Center in Ghana who is based in the USA and other noble Ghanaians who are preparing towards this important meeting.

I know there are many Ghanaians in Europe, Australia, the Scandinavia, Africa etc who cannot make it to Washington DC on the August 3, 2002. However, you invaluable suggestions are welcomed via; oforipanaf@aol.com. Please, check out for the full program in the parties/gigs/meetings section in the classifieds on the Ghanaweb. Please, I will appreciate it very much if you can read the program to find out more.

Brethren, remember that no idea is too small for Ghana. Based on the theme, try all you can to come out with something positive for Ghana.

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