Opinions of Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Columnist: Edusei, Eric

Be cautious, Mr. Alan Kwadwo Kyerematen

In this life and beyond, we fight battles we know we can win based on our strengths and weaknesses. As rational human beings, it behoves on our intellect to negotiate where our weakness overrides our strengths in unimaginable proportion. This methodology has been adopted by reasonable leaders since the creation of man. It would be ridiculous and preposterous to attempt to use 100(one hundred) soldiers to fight an army of 20,000(twenty thousand) unless you are led by the Arch angle Gabriel which incidentally is not your case. The rules of engagement dictates that we should be guided by objectivity and reasoning as we take caution as a friend, for it is only death and misery that have seen the end of man. Dreams will only be dreams when we give value to speculations, perceptions and share ambition without emphasis on TIMING because if you do the right thing at the wrong time, it is still wrong. You have the right to contest but for what when you know that the odds are against you and at what peril when you know that losing will damage your political career for life.
Alan, I love you enough to be truthful to you and caution you to remember that those who are pushing you to do the unthinkable at this hour of the NPP party’s drive for power will not be on the ballot sheet when the Flag Bearer Election pops up, you are. Be mindful and do not allow anybody to manipulate you under these stressful conditions for their personal ambitions to the detriment of your political career. We are in dangerous times and the hardships that confront many are enough to make them angry. In other words, the delegates are fuming with anger and anything that you do which could be misconstrued to subvert the gains of the NPP party’s fortunes will attract their spite and ultimately will dent your political chances forever.
I sense a feeling that many people in the Party loves you but in all honesty they love Nana Addo more at this juncture of the party’s history and that is the hard fact. It is important to note that in your unrelenting struggle for leadership, be careful of the Trojan Horses (some friends) and their advice as they drive you into the lion’s den. They will flatter you with sweet and unreasonable statements that are receptive to your ears as you seek for power. As sweet as their words are, they carry with them venom and disaster so be careful. If I tell you that I like you, my desire and comments have no value because it does not translate into vote. Those who carry the triumph cards are the delegates so listen to them wisely before you waste your resources on this seemingly perilous journey that has ‘catastrophe’ as a banner and most likely to endanger your political career for life.
My strong observation indicates that the delegates believe that Nana Addo did not lose the last general elections which I personally agree. The data on the elections does not make sense and so is the political verdict by our Supreme Court. Our Judges are honorable people and just as Nana Addo said. However, whilst I accept their verdict with all the relunctance, I vehemently disagree with them. A large number of us have studied law at various levels without much emphasis on constitutional law and we know what ‘shall’ or ‘may’ means; If the EC cancels certain area votes for over-voting, we all understand the law on ‘precedent’ vis-a-vis the decision of our Judges not to invoke this legal whip. As honorable and reasonable men and women that our Judges are, we understood the adoption of the classical definition of over voting as contrarily to what we all perceived to be the truth. Whilst, we heard the use of padding and foreign object which define conventional wisdom, in awe we said ‘may the Lord be with us’ ; the data does not add up in a country where our voting patterns are defined. NPP’s total Parliamentary votes of 5,248,862 exceeded that of the NDC of 5,127,671 by 121,191. Nana Addo had 5,248,898- 38 votes more than the total parliamentary votes while President Mahama had 5,574,761- 447,090 more than the total parliamentary votes of NDC. How and why? Only posterity could unearth this mystery as we await our maker.
Alan, please remember and be mindful that these delegates are very angry and so are many NPP followers because they feel strongly that they have been short changed. This has changed their views and interest on many issues lately. They are interested in power other than factionalism and personalities discourse. Their concern is no longer about personal looks and unwarranted attacks but one’s ability to communicate one’s vision for them to win power. They are simply interested in people who can deliver so if you feel you have a winnable message, go to them and test your pulse. They feel that NPP lost the elections because of apathy within the rank and file by certain factions in the party. Besides, they blame the NPP leaders for inadequate and untimely distribution of resources which explains the expulsion of Jake and others during the elections; they also blame the leadership for lack of planning and monitory during and after the elections.
Alan, I know you mean well for our Party and the Nation as a whole but I can assure that a divided NPP front will not see the light of the day. It takes the whole unified army of the party, dedication and vigilance to unseat these tricksters. They are smart and acknowledged that to understand that the ordinary Ghanaian is an economic entity and can be bought at anytime. They use cell phones, sewing machines, microwaves, and matches box with Gh50.00 etc to prey on innocent poor Ghanaians as they forced them to swear to some deity to vote for them. They have made some Ghanaians so poor that they can buy their conscience with ‘Charley Wotee’. We need to come together to save Ghanaians and restore their dignity; make them able men and women capable of buying medicine, sending their kids to school and affording three square meals a day which requires sacrifices because without sacrifice, without result.
It is true that you have the right to contest but of what use would that be when you know that you cannot win? Presently, we need every available resource and great minds to counter the current administration which encompasses masters of the art of bribery, lies and manipulations. We cannot afford to waste the scare resources available to us and besides, you do not want to be labeled as a spoiler which will damage your political career for life in disgrace. Currently, we have no room for controversies and factionalism. Yes, we fight a fight we know we can win based on our logistics and strategy, and I hope you pray over this for God’s guidance to give the wisdom of understanding and the spirit to face reality, and bury your pride for a better tomorrow. It is true that there is tide in the affairs which leads to fortune but I will honestly as a family member tell you that your decision to run now is untimely and the route generally has disaster written all over it.
Alan, we must be dedicated to humility and acceptable to reason in our efforts to lead as we sensor our wisdom. I wish to advice you in passing that you weigh your options carefully before you advance with your army of supporters. If I were you, I will in the interest of the party, mother Ghana and my political career call off my campaign in support of Nana Addo. I will call a press conference and let society know that I do so with dedication to humility and the need to establish a formidable force to unseat the current administration which has seriously mismanaged this nation. Similarly, I will summon my advocates and convinced them of my sacrifice and decision in the interest of mother Ghana. This gesture of humility will surely restore your image and prominence in the party. Remember that apart from the Presidency, there are so many honorable positions to be filled and what we need are competent people with fortitude, direction and dedication to work to save mother Ghana.
Ghana is on a perilous journey consumed with misery, want and disillusionment in the midst of plenty; cost of living is astronomical and prostitution is the order of the day; elite corruption is on the ascendency and so is nepotism; the Government is 9 months behind its statutory payments and our nation is almost a failed state. These are dangerous times which require sacrifice and cool heads to redeem our nation from tricksters and liars who are bent on sending Mother Ghana to the ebbs.